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Skylar went to bed early that night, dreaming of a perfect family with a perfect life. Her dad —- who just so happened to be a celebrity - was in the picture. She was popular, more so than Lisa. In her dream, Skylar had it all.

Unfortunately, she woke up. But not because she needed to go to the restroom, and her alarm didn't go off. Skylar had woken up because noise was coming from downstairs.

Skylar sat up, groggily. What is her mother doing? She glanced over at the clock. It was only 1:27 A.M. Skylar laid back down, but she fell out of her bed when a loud bang went off.

What the heck? Skylar thought. Did Fourth of July come early?

Skylar stood up. Her door jangled. "Mom?" Skylar called. "I-Is that you?"

The door burst opened and the person closed the door behind them. It was only Wendy, Skylar's mother, which is who she expected. But her mom looked frantic. She locked the door and looked at Skylar. Skylar's eyes widened when she saw her mother's arm dripping with blood.

"Mom...?" Skylar asked, horrified. "Are you—-"

"Shush!" Wendy put a finger to her mouth and brought her voice down. "I'm fine. Just stay quiet, okay, Sky?"

Skylar nodded but this bit her lip. What's going on? she wondered. She grabbed her mom's arm and pulled her to the corner of her bed. Wendy gave her a questioning glance.

Skylar sighed and put her hands hovering over her mother's arm. A blue light appeared. A few moments passed and Wendy's arm was healed. "Mommy," Skylar whispered, not have called her mommy since she was three, "can you explain to me what's happening?"

More bangs from downstairs. Skylar whimpered and hugged her mother. "I'm scared, Mommy," she said.

Wendy rubbed her daughter's head. "I'm sorry, Skylar... I fear I don't have much time left, but—-"

The doors barged open again. A man with a gun came in. Skylar's entire body was shaking. Wendy put a arm in front of Skylar. "Go," she told Skylar, her voice stern. "I'll hold him off."

"But Mom—-"

"Go!" Wendy yelled. "To Fairy Tail, I advise you! Just leave! I... I'll catch up."

With tears in her eyes, Skylar ran. The man was about to shoot her, but Wendy attacked him with her dragon roar. Another gunshot rang out, causing a sob to escape Skylar, as she exited the house, hoping that the gun missed her mother... that her mother's okay...

But she had no way of knowing.

Skylar cried and cried as she walked the streets, begging for her mother. But her mother might just be gone for good and Skylar did nothing to save her. Absolutely nothing at all. Skylar is just a coward. A coward who couldn't even save her mom when she needed it the most. She's a failure as a daughter.

Fairy Tail, Skylar thought, she wanted me to go to Fairy Tail... but why? She sighed, rubbing her eyes. If there's even a chance that she's alive, that's where she'll go... so I have to go too...

Skylar crossed her arms. She's in Magnolia already but... where's Fairy Tail? Skylar would probably just wander and wander, lost and alone, until she's dead by hunger or maybe the cold would do her in.

It's after one IN THE MORNING. What if... something were to happen? Isn't this the time for creeps and criminals to come out? Skylar crossed her arms, absolutely freezing.

"What are you doing out here so late by yourself?"

Skylar tensed up and slowly looked up. She saw a red haired woman in armor with three people behind her - a blond, a black haired and a pinky. The black haired one had no clothes on except boxers which Skylar quickly averted her eyes from —- her poor, poor innocence.

Skylar backed away, staring at the grown ups with fear in eye warm brown eyes. Her hands trembled as she placed them in front of her, preparing to defend herself anyway she could. But Skylar isn't that good with her power. Even with her healing ability... she feels as if she was about to collapse.

"Didn't you hear me?" the redhead asked, staring at the girl with something like... familiarity, as if she recognized Skylar.

"Doesn't she look like Wendy did around her age?" the blond asked the pinky. Skylar wouldn't have heard the blond's question if not for her hearing. But... Wendy... did she just say Wendy?! As in... her mother? Or from Peter Pan?

I'm so tired I'm hearing things, Skylar thought. It was probably because of her healing her mother. It's natural to assume that Skylar only wanted to hear her mother's name, maybe by people that could save her.

"She smells kind of like her too," the pinky said, scratching his head. "I wonder why..."

It can't be her imagination. What if... these people are her enemies? After all, what are the odds? Maybe they were sent to stop Skylar from getting away. Maybe they were going to kill her.

The black haired guy must've noticed Skylar's shaking hands, paling face, and widened eyes. "Hey, you okay, kid—-" he was saying as tears prickled from Skylar's eyes as she turned to fleed, to get away from them.

She can't trust them. Skylar may not be thinking straight but she's not willing to take that risk of not thinking of them as enemies of hers and her mother. She just wants her mother back... but... they can't possibly be friends of Wendy; she never mentioned them to her daughter.

As she ran, her sleepiness caught up with her and she promptly passed out, the only thing she saw was a figure standing over her.

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