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After Skylar had introduced herself, there was a stun silence. Lucy and Natsu stared at her in disbelief, but Erza sighed, in a way that clearly meant that she realized something.

"That dragon roar was one thing," Erza said, "But your last name...? That can't be a coincidence."

"What dragon roar?" Natsu huffed.

Lucy swatted his arm. "Now's not the time. That's our least concern," she said. She looked at Skylar. "By any chance, do you know someone named Wendy?"

Warning alarms went off in Skylar's head. How did they know her mother? They are talking about that Wendy... right?

The truth or the lie? is what Skylar was wondering. Erza, Natsu, and Lucy were waiting for Skylar's response patiently - well, Natsu was tapping his foot not as patiently as his comrades.

"Um... yes," Skylar muttered as quietly as possible, but Natsu's dragon ears picked up on her answer.

"You do?" questioned Natsu, studying Skylar's appearance. He bent down, his eyes piercing into Skylar's very soul.

Erza and Lucy glanced at each other, wondering what this could possibly mean.

"I-Is something wrong?" Skylar asked, staring into Natsu's piercing onyx eyes, feeling scared all over again.

"Your Wendy must be the same as our Wendy," Natsu mused. "The one that disappeared almost eleven years ago."

"Eh? What?" Skylar blinked, unsure on how to respond.

"Natsu, allow me to handle this," Lucy said, grabbing his scarf and hoising him up. "Skylar, don't mind my husband. I mean, what he said was true, but anyway, what's your relation to Wendy? Sister? Cousin? Aunt?"

"No," Skylar said, taking a deep breath. "She's my mom."

Wendy was thrown into a cell that prevented her from not using her magic, which didn't matter anyways. Wendy used all of her magical strength up. Still, though, how could she recharge when she's trapped into a magic proof cell?

Wendy glared at the man that almost shot her dead, and put her daughter in danger. The man showed no emotion. "Why are you doing this, Jack?" Wendy questioned her old friend bitterly. "What has become of you?"

Jack chuckled, but no humor was in his lifeless eyes. "Well, Marvell, I hate to say this, but we need a sky dragon slayer for this ritual that could mean destruction," Jack said. "That also means that your life will come to an end."

Wendy had no idea what Jack meant, and all the details of what he's planning certainly wasn't there, but she did understand one thing. They needed a sky dragon slayer, which Wendy is. Once she came to that conclusion, all she could do is feel relief, that it was her in this predicament, and not her daughter.

"Too bad you're the only sky dragon slayer to exist," Jack continued. "I would have preferred it to be anyone but you, my dearest Wendy."

Wendy gritted her teeth, but grateful that no one knew of Skylar's powers. "I'm not your Wendy," she said, "and I never will be."

Jack was about to resort, when he looked down at Wendy's arm - the one he shot, yet looked perfectly okay, not even a scar. "How is your arm healed?" Jack questioned. "Do you think I'm an idiot?"

Wendy wanted to say yes, but she held her tongue, wondering where he was going with this, hoping that he didn't come to the right conclusion.

"Sky dragon slayers can't heal themselves," Jack said, staring into Wendy's fearful eyes, but she wasn't afraid for herself. "Tell me, is there another sky dragon slayer running around? Just who healed you, Wendy?"

"Medicine?" Wendy said, mentally cursing herself for making that a question.

"You wouldn't have had time," Jack said. "Where would you have even gotten the medicine?" Then, his eyes lit up in realization.

Wendy didn't like the way his eyes lit up, she didn't like the way how he seemed to figure it out. She prayed that he had no actual idea, but what he said next made her heart drop.

"That child... the one that I let escape... she looked a lot like you," Jack said. "She's your daughter isn't she? She posses the same magic that you do, doesn't she?

"I-I don't know what you are talking about..." Wendy lied, which it wasn't a very good lie, mainly because she's a terrible liar, which may have just put her daughter at risk.

Jack's mouth was brought into a slow forming grin, his eyes trailing down Wendy. "Well, I guess we just have to find your daughter," he said. "Then you and I will get married."

"Um, no. I'll rather go through with the ritual," Wendy said awkwardly. She never thought she would reject this type of person in this type of way.

"Oh, Wendy, you don't get a choice," Jack said. "Now, do you know where your daughter was headed?"

Wendy shook her head, not planning to tell him anything. She didn't want to open her mouth, in fear that her lie will become obvious. But even so, her head shake was a little too fast.

Thankfully, Jack didn't notice. "Okay, well, I'm going to find her. Or have my lackies find her." He gave Wendy one last stare, and walked away.

"Oh, Skylar, please stay hidden," Wendy muttered, leaning against the cell wall, as she burst into tears.

Stay safe, please, Sky...

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