Chapter Fourteen

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Yamac bends forward, flipping Sasha over his shoulder and onto the bed. She bounces and giggles, squealing as Yamac jumps onto the bed next to her. "My brain is exhausted." She said. "Mine too."

Yamac gets up and walks to the wardrobe, where he pulls out pajamas for himself and Sasha. "When did you start keeping pajamas here for me?" Sasha asked. Yamac shrugs and tosses the pajamas at her.

"I'm too tired." Sasha said. "I can help if you want." Yamac said. "Yes, help me please." Sasha said. Yamac grins and walks towards her. "This is not sexy. I'm just incapable of dressing myself." Sasha said. "You ruin all my fun." Yamac said.

Sasha plays rag doll while Yamac helps her with her pajamas. It takes longer than it should, due to kissing breaks plenty of laughter. God I love this man. Finally they're both in pajamas, laying under Yamac's comforter, legs entwined.

"How are you feeling after that conversation tonight?" Yamac asked. "A little freaked. Glad you've got people on it already." Sasha said. "Between Idris' old guard and the new blood I'm bringing in, we've got a good group." Yamac said.

Sasha stays quiet, thinking. "I can practically hear the wheels turning in your head." Yamac said. "I'm thinking we're lucky to be alive." Sasha said. "Luck had nothing to do with it. We're good together." Yamac said.

"In so many ways." Sasha falls into silence again, Yamac strumming his fingers up and down her arm. "This is nice. I don't want to lose this." Sasha said. "What makes you think you're going to lose this?" Yamac asked.

"I have a bad feeling. Something bad is coming." Sasha said. "What do you want to do?" Yamac asked. What I'm thinking could be our best way to survive this and ensure years more of nights like these. But it will require sacrifice for both of us.

"Sasha?" Yamac said. "I've been thinking, we should involve Zahit." Sasha said. Yamac is silent for an uncomfortable stretch of time. "Why do you say that?" He asked. "Okay, hear me out." Sasha sits up in bed, needing to see Yamac's face as she talks.

"We already know Baris didn't clue Zahit in on the gun run, even after it all went wrong." She said. "Okay?" Yamac said. "I've always thought that Zahit believed Baris could do no wrong, but Baris has been around less and less." Sasha said.

"That's interesting." Yamac said. "It is, because Zahit is extremely suspicious by nature. Remember the guys that followed you to your car?" Sasha said. "Vaguely." Yamac said. "What if they weren't watching you? What if they were watching Baris?" Sasha asked.

"That might also explain why he was so adamantly against us being together, besides obvious reasons." Yamac said. "Exactly, because someone is reporting that you've been meeting with Baris, and Zahit no longer trusts Baris." Sasha said.

"You think Zahit believes I'm involved in Baris' shady dealings, and you want us to go to him?" Yamac asked. "Yamac. It might be our only option." Sasha said. "We don't have to make any decisions tonight." Yamac said. "I know." Sasha said.

All of Sasha's energy leaves her and she deflates back into Yamac's arms. "We'll figure it out, Sasha. I just got you back. I'm not going to let anyone kill either of us." Yamac said. "Promise?" Sasha asked. "Promise." Yamac said.

Still, Sasha is awake long after Yamac's breathing evens out, trying to ignore the sick feeling in her stomach.


"Hello?" Sasha's at her parents' house again, but cannot find either of them. Weird. They are usually eating brunch at this time. Brunch is laid out on the table, but it appears untouched, and no one is in sight.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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