The Last Three Boys join the gang

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Contrarian : morning! We need to continue our search so me and Hero aren't going to be online today

Oppie : that's a shame. We'll all miss you very much.

VoiceOfTheHero : But before we go, you have any advice for us skeptic?

SkepticSherlock: They're more likely to be hanging around cabins and woods, but hunted is better at this stuff than me.

Contrarian : hang on

*He invites everyone who hasn't been invited yet*

*Hunted joins*

VoiceOfTheHero: any idea on how to find quiet or princess, hunted?

animallover : listen to skeptic. they're not scared of being found, so they'll choose a place with emotional attachment.

Contrarian: thx bye

VoiceOfTheHero: Bye

SkepticSherlock: what's with your change in attitude towards animals?

animallover: i guess they're easier to be friends with.

Peopleissues: I get you. Animals don't usually betray or lie or stab you in the back. That's a people thing

MartinSmith: maybe. They're still terrifying though

smittenwiththePrincess: I'm sure you'll change your mind when you feel the undying love for an animal I have.

Oppie: just out of curiosity, did you name the animal Princess?

smittenwiththePrincess : yes! That's very smart of you.

Peopleissues: Come on, anyone could have guessed that

Oppie: He's just trying to be nice!

cold: 'nice'. such a vague word, yet a goal many want to achieve.

SkepticSherlock: You're right though. Why do so many want to be nice when you can make someone's day or help the planet or many other simpler, better things?

MartinSmith: Philosophy is so confusing. And a bit scary too.

*Stubborn joins*

Fighter: are you really philophisizzing or whatever? Where is the drama?

animallover: drama stirs confusion and hate. drama keeps us from being friends. Do you want that?

Fighter: Yes!

Peopleissues: Are you serious?

Oppie : I have an idea. smitten, be honest, don't you think the princess is a bit of an asshole?

SkepticSherlock: This is going to be interesting.

cold: very

smittenwiththePrincess: HOW DARE YOU YOU FUCKER!!!!!

Fighter: YES! This is what i'm talking about!

Peopleissues: I didn't know you swore smitten.

Oppie: calm down smitten, it was a joke.


cold: so angry, at a mere opinion. if only you weren't so attached to her.


SkepticSherlock: I wonder why you love conflict so much. There must be more to you, after all.

Oppie: What did I ever do to you stubborn?

Fighter: Nothing. But who cares?

Oppie: me. I will get you back.

Peopleissues: this is getting personal. I like it

animallover: getting personal means hurting on the inside, and hurting on the inside hurts more than on the outside. this should be obvious, but being hurt badly is bad.

cold: it doesn't hurt at all. you just haven't mastered yourself yet.

Oppie: sorry smitten. You know I do my best to be good.

SkepticSherlock: You know he doesn't.

smittenwiththePrincess: I want to believe you Oppie, but you make it so hard.

MartinSmith: don't trust him.

Peopleissues: that's because he's lying. Please don't let hope get the better of you.

Fighter: awww the shouting stopped.

*Broken joins*

Oppie: I really am trying to change, you know. You just won't let me let go of who I was, so I keep on switching back to him.

*Opportunist's anger gets the better of him and he goes offline*

smittenwiththePrincess: this was my fault. Bye

*So does smitten*

b: look what you've done. we're never going to all be happy

animallover: at least some of us can be.

b: maybe. probably not.

Fighter: Oh no, not you. You'd better not start going on a spiel about how everything is pointless.

b: but it is.

Peopleissues: good for you buddie.

MartinSmith: I'm going to lose sleep thinking about this aren't I?

animallover: there's so many obstacles to overcome though. and it's not pointless if you don't want it to be.

SkepticSherlock: You're surprisingly deep. But why do we overcome those obstacles?


MartinSmith: yeah I'm not sleeping tonight. Can we talk about something nice for once?

cold: you think they're going to listen to you because you're 'shouting'? pathetic

b: we're all pathetic.

MartinSmith: shut your fucking mouth!

Fighter: no, you are.

SkepticSherlock : you think you're pathetic(broken i'm looking at you), you become pathetic.

Peopleissues: you think you have unloyal friends, you do. The drama in my law school is crazy.

SkepticSherlock: perception, huh?

cold: perception.

animallover: perception.

Peopleissues: perception.

Fighter: fuck this.

MartinSmith: perception?


Still one chapter left folks!

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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