Chapter 7

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November 10th, 1970: Monday, 6:00 am.

Throughout the night I did not sleep, not even a wink due to the terrifying images replaying in my mind. If I am not going to sleep, then I might as well begin my day. With a sigh I remove the comforter and sheets from my body and get out of bed. I approach the bathroom dragging my feet and turn on the shower. I allow the water to gently fall on my skin. My thoughts distract me; I do not hear Maria enter the bathroom.


"Yes dear?

"What was wrong last night? You were up all night. I even found you in the hall. Were you sleep-walking again? You haven't done that in years!" She leans against the door frame. I move the curtain out of the way to peek my head out. 

"I wasn't sleep-walking, I was checking on Timothy."


"Yes, honey...It's complicated," I sigh.

I hear her leave the bathroom and finish my shower. As I exit, I rub my hair with a towel. I look over to my right to see Maria sitting on our bed.

"You waited?" My eyes widen.

"Yes, I waited. I want you to tell me what is going on."

"Darling... I don't want to talk about it," I growl.

"Well, I need to know what is wrong. You're not acting like yourself. You never wander at night unless you're sleep walking. But you haven't done that in a long time! So, I know something is bothering you," she says sincerely.

I approach her throwing the towel on the bed; she stares at me with her hands on her hips. I take a deep breath and sit on the bed. I place my hands over my face as Maria approaches me and sits next to me. She holds my hand tightly.

"Tell me, please?"

She rests her head on my left shoulder as her other hand wraps around my arm.

"I had a dream last night that the Whistler took Timothy. I was so scared... I had to make sure he was still in his room. So, I went to check on him. I didn't want to wake you last night. So, I tried to be as silent as I could be. However, when I saw that I had woke you I felt awful. I know you were very tired last night and I'm sorry that I worried you."

I remove my hands from my face and look at her. I look into her worrying eyes and she places a kiss on my cheek.

"It's okay to be vulnerable Matt."

"I'm supposed to be strong and fearless. But if you would have seen what I saw... the things he did to that family..."

Tears form in my eyes. I feel a warm teardrop roll down my cheek. Maria wipes the tear from my cheek and nuzzles her head into my neck.

"We'll be okay Matt, I promise."

I look at her and brush her hair out of her face. She looks at me and reassures me with a smile. How can she be so sure?

Shortly after the conversation, we wake Timothy and head to the kitchen. On a pan, Maria fries pancakes while my coffee brews. We laugh, smile, and pretend that nothing bad is happening outside of the walls of our small home. I almost forget all about the Whistler until I hear the radio.

"Attention everyone! We have some unfortunate news to share with you. Yesterday around ten in the morning, police responded to a scene of a multiple person homicide here in Church Hill. Police authorities suspect that the man responsible for this terrible crime is the Whistler. Authorities also suspect that he has a child with him. Police are asking citizens of Church Hill and nearby towns to be on the lookout for Hope Dumont. She is an eight-year-old girl with brunette hair and hazel eyes. She was last seen wearing a plaid red-orange dress with white stockings. She may also be wearing a red bow and brown buckled shoes. If you see this child or have any information regarding the crime scene, please contact your local authorities! Police advise not to approach the young girl or the person she may be with. He is considered to be dangerous and armed. As always be safe Church Hill."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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