{~Just a Decoration~}

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"You cook quite well Jin. I mean people call me a good cook, but this is beyond the world." Jennie Comented

"Ah don't mind her, She's always like this, but yeah if her "Radar" supports her." Lisa said while chuckling softly.

"Radar?" Taehyung asked out of curiosity.

"Yeah, You know she says she gets to know who's a bitch and who's not based on her "Radar." So what can I say?" Lisa explained.

"Well the Radar looks quite cool to me!" Yoongi said.

"But you look so quite Jennie. While Lisa is so cheerful." Namjoon stated.

"Quite? She's my mother! But she's not at all quite, It's just she needs time to get habituated with new people, but once she is habituated, She's the worst nightmare someone can have." Lisa laughed making everyone else laugh as well.

"Nope, She missed a spot. We both are the worst nightmare someone can have." Jennie said and laughed as well.

"By the way, if it's okay to ask, what about your parents?" J-Hope asked.

"Well, we both are apparently cousins and our parents thought that it would be nice if they did business in partnership, so they started their business and went to different parts of the world to spread their business, but we stayed back to study. And now, Jennie's parents are at New Zealand and my parents are at Thailand. So it's complicated..." Lisa explained.

"Ah, So you guys are not only best friends? But cousins also?" Jimin asked.

"That's right!" Lisa said.

"Ah, That is why you guys are almost always in sync." Jungkook said making the girls laugh.

"Umm Maybe?" Jennie said.

"Well, give us a visit whenever you guys are able to, we would love to hang out." Seok-Jin proposed.

"Sure, Not a bad idea at all...We will come whenever we get time!" Lisa said.

"But for now, we will leave...?" Jennie said looking at Lisa.

"Yup! Sorry for wasting your time! But didn't had another option!" Lisa added.

"Oh no! You guys didn't waste our time but made it even better! See you later!" Taehyung said.

"Yeah, See you later!" Lisa replied back and the girls went out of their house.


(At Night)

"Decided what you will do with your doll?" Heoseok asked Taehyung as they all gathered in the dining hall for dinner.

"What will I do? I will keep it by myself and not bring it close to you or Jimin!" Taehyung said before digging in for dinner.

"Well! That would work for me!" Heoseok said and resumed eating.

"Yeah me too, But don't even dare to bring it in front of me!" Jimin warned.

"Alright! Why are you guys always arguing over a normal doll? I mean it's a doll, It wouldn't do anything to you! It's life, not a horror story Jimin and Heoseok, you guys have to get that inside your head" Seok-Jin said.

"Jin Hyung is right! It's not gonna snap your neck or something!" Namjoon added and laughed after seeing the expression on Jimin's and Heoseok's face.

"Can we appreciate the food?" Jungkook said.

"Huh?? You wanna appreciate the food? All of a sudden???" Yoongi said as his eyes widen at the Maknae's sudden mature behaviour.

"Yes! It's me! J-U-N-G-K-O-O-K! I wanna appreciate Jin Hyung's cooking!" Jungkook said.

"Surprising but Thank you Jungkook." Seok-Jin said and smiled.

"Yeah, let's just eat, that doll is another decoration not another person that you guys are going to make such a big issue, Let's just eat." Taehyung said and resumed eating again.


(After Dinner)

Jimin was walking towards his room when something soft fell under his foot.

"Ugh you huh?" Jimin looked down and groaned in frustration seeing Taehyung's doll lying there. He bent down to pick it up but then...


Jimin fell down at the sound getting hella scared. He then regained his compositions and looked the the laughing person beside him. "Taehyung! It's not at all funny! What the hell?" He said, anger evident in his tone.

"C'mon Jimin! It is! Your face was worth watching!" Taehyung said while laughing out loud.

"Shut up!" Jimin stood up and went to his room. "That doll will haunt you tonight in your dreams!!" Jimin shouted from his room as if he is cursing Taehyung.

"Ah Really? Well I don't mind! But have sweet dreams Jiminah!" Taehyung said while wiping his tears out of the laughter.

He picked the doll up and let his gaze linger on it for a second.

"Josephine is you name huh? Well what goes with Josephine?" He taught for a while. "Right! Phoenix is a good name. I'll call you phoenix from now on!" Taehyung said and went to his room while taking the doll with him.


(Next Morning)

"Good Morning guys..." Yoongi said while coming down and gathering at the dining hall for breakfast. He then noticed everyone's face and asked, "What's up with you guys? Why do you guys look so down?" While he was speaking, Jungkook joined the group and stood behind Yoongi.

"Nope, Nothing, Namjoon was reading an article about a mysterious murder in the Amusement Park that we visited." Seok-Jin cleared the confusion.

"They even named the article as "The First Mysterious Death In 15 Years In Korea" See..." Namjoon turned the phone towards everyone else to see.

"Huh? Isn't he the one who had the stop watch with him that day at the bar hanging game?" Jungkook pointed out.

"Ah, yeah right, that's why he looked familiar..." Jimin said.

"How did he die?" Jungkook said.

"Maybe some ride or something?" Yoongi added.

"Aww man! That's a worst way to die!" Jungkook said as he took his seat.

"Nope, the cause of death is not written in the article, they can't find out the cause of death." Taehyung said.

"But don't you think it's strange? I mean not a heart attack, not a cerebral attack, nothing. He was fine before he went to the park and as he entered the park he died? That's highly peculiar." Jimin said.

"But how did you knew he was fine?" Yoongi asked.

"It's written in the article itself." Seok-Jin said.

They heard a knock at their main door.

"What was that?" Namjoon asked.

"A knock I guess?" Heoseok said.

"Yes, but why would someone knock at our door when we have such a beautiful calling bell right there?" Namjoon said.

"Maybe the girls are back? Maybe they are doing this to confuse us? Wait I'll check." Heoseok went and checked.

"Who is it?" Seok-Jin asked.

"No one." Heoseok shrugged it off. "Maybe air?"

"Maybe, anyways let's start eating before the food get's cold." Seok-Jin said and shrugged it off as well as they started eating.


{~That was for today! Will update soon! Till then, signing off! Bye Bye! Good Night lovelies!!!~}

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