Chapter Eighteen: Oops! [CARKHA]

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Sarah hugged onto Kit tightly, and I watched awkwardly, strangely numb at the sight. It's a happy moment, but I don't know why I didn't feel as much happiness as I should for the situation. It's a good time for Kit, for Sarah… but nothing felt good to me.

Another man walked out from Leo’s room, his hair curly and a fading streak of purple in his hair. He seemed plush, as Gabriel typically dyes streaks of the stuffed ones hair as a trademark signature. I didn't know he made a new stuffed one, he didn't tell me that! I approached him, Leo seeming oddly defensive, his ears pinned back ever so slightly and tail giving occasional flicks.

“You seem so interesting, mi amigo! ¿Cómo te llamas, nuevo amigo?” I asked, he seemed confused, looking at me strangely while rubbing his eyes. My ear flicked, and I realized he may not have understood me. Not everyone speaks Spanish, I forget that a lot. “Oh… I said, "What's your name, new friend?”” He nodded slowly, understanding me now. He seemed tired. “Uhm… my preferred name is Maine.” I nodded, preferred name he said. Wait, I need to make sure. “You're a boy, hm? I just want to make sure.” He lit up, a euphoric expression on his face. Trans man, I can tell he's a trans man.

I looked closer at his ears, my own twitching slightly as I felt a breeze hit them. I gently pulled on them, tugging— they came off of his head. My ears went down in shock

I screamed.

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