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Nora was looking through the balcony of one of the many suites in the mighty tree of life, her brown and pink eyes looking at the fabulous flora beneath the tree. The Eliatrope girl sighed as she moved to her room. She grabbed her hair brush and began to brush her hair, her magestic wakfu wings exposed and illuminating her hair slightly. Once she finished brushing her short pink hiar, she reached out for her pink and red-ish Eliatrope hat. She gently placed it on and left the hiar brush in her nightstand. Once she stood up, she walked up to the door. She opened it and walked out. She closed the door behind her.

She began walking through the hall, the sun piercing through the leaf curtains. The steady wood flor was covered with plants and small leaves. Her boots made sound as she walked by. Nora's face was sirous, stoic, to be specific. Her hands were folded behind her back.

She stopped in front of an all too familiar door. It had the Eliatrope symbol right on top, two Eliatrope guards on front of it. Once they swa Nora, they bowed their heads slightly and let her enter. Once they closed the door behind her, she swa Yugo. Sitting on his desk, he worked his eyes out as always. He was doing some architectural planning for the soon to be Eliatrope kingdom. Yugo knew very well that they couldn't stay in the Sadida kingdom forever. Yugo must have heard when Nora entered because he raised his head to see her

"Huh? Oh, hello there, Nora." Yugo siad, a soft smile appears on his face

Nora's face changes, too, a slight smile forming on her lips
"Hey, Yu. How is the planing coming out?"

"Heh. As expected, I suppose." Yugo siad with a slight chukele. He rubbed his eyes slightly before leaning back on his chair

"How are you, sis?" He says

"I'm just fine, I've been getting some good rest. Especially because I have a bed now." Nora said with her signature slight smirk

"Hah. Yeah, having a bed to sleep in is truly a luxury, eh?" Yugo siad

Nora was about to respond when an Eliatrope guard came in running. His face shows urgency.. but also hope?

"Lady Nora, Your Highness!" The boy shouted

Yugo and Nora's attention turned to him imidiatly, Yugo sits up straight, and Nora crosses her arms

"Calm down... What is it?" Yugo siad, his face sirous agian

"T-the grate godess! She found a way.. To cure Lord Efrim!"

As soon as those words left the young Eliatrope's mouth, time seemed to freeze for Nora. Her eyes widened, the ears in her hat shoot up, her arms feel to her sides. Yugo had a smiling reaction.

".. What?" Yugo siad, his voice clearly showing he was shocked

"She...she siad He can be saved!" The boy siad

Nora looked at Yugo, her eyes were wide, and he looked at her and at the boy. Yugo stood up, and his sirous face came back.

"Alright. Thank you. We'll go meet with her.." Yugo siad with a nodd

The boy catched his breath and bowed, and then he walked out. Yugo looked at Nora and walked up to her. He placed his hands in her shoulders. He smiled, his eyes sparkled with excitement.

"You hear that, Sister? We can save him!" Yugo siad with a smile,

Nora's eyes watered. She smiled and laughed, Nora placed her arms around Yugo's back. Her happiness clearly showed in her face. Yugo hugged her back. He was so excited. This meant this wouldn't be Nora's last life, and Efrim would come back to begin...well, Efrim. And not a mindless Necrome.

A spark of hope in the darkness.


Hi! I hope you enjoyed this first chapter, and remember to tell me if I can improve anything! <3

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