3rd Encounter

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Right after the Commander was released from the hospital he was force to stay in bed rest for the rest of the month, meaning he could not take on any missions of any kind

"If I can't take on mission then I'll know less of Marian's corruption" he looked at his ceiling ready to just ignore what the nurses had said

"Marian" he softly whispered

Surface, May 20 XXXX

It's been a few days and Kepler enjoying the view of the stars that gazed up above. Seeing how peaceful he would have died long ago and seeing his daughter and son become something in their future brought ease in his mind but his imagination didn't last as long as it should've because now he was stuck as a robot and will always be one till his day comes to the scrap yard

"Commander, I wonder what would life be right now-a-days" he spoke to himself  but cringed knowing he came back to the reality he lives in now

He drift of into a slumber, his arms behind his head as a pillow. Making not a single noise as he is resting out in the wild and not somewhere safe

The Next Morning comes as soon as the sun rises and Kepler has been up for a while trying to find something to eat

"Well I guess it's earthworms once more. I have nothing in my bag and all I can think right now is worms. Maybe I should contact Snow White" Kepler took out an old flip phone

"Maybe not. I should leave her be. I've hanged our with her way too much. I'll leave her alone for a while" Kepler began to dig the ground to see if he could get lucky

He couldn't find anything. So he went across to the south side to see if he could find a building where it could have at least a can of corn

"I really can't wait to see if I find something good" Kepler ran into the building, electricity still functioning and all

He walked into the unfamiliar place and scavenge every area only finding pills and bandages

"I should take these incase I ever come across an injured human" continuing to look around for food, he stumbles a cross a pantry of food or so what was left of it

"Crackers, cake batter, rice, chips and a potato. I don't mind eating potatoes all my life" he grabbed everything and put it in his bag

"I could have infinite potatoes but the water around here is scarce, plus it'd be a walk back and forth that I don't plan to take" Kepler thought of something and it came to mind

"I should get near a sight where there must me a river or lake" Kepler took out a map of the recent surface

"Maybe a little out of date but it should do" looking around, he saw one around southwest

"A place called Lapis Pond, may not be the ones I'm looking for but it'll do for the mean time" he began his journey and walked

"This should take about 6 hours from here, unless I begin to run" Kepler walked to his destination knowing he wouldn't be tracked if he ran

8 o'clock hit as soon as he made it to the pond. Putting a small deep hole, Kepler puts a half potato inside the whole and covers it up and he makes another to put the other half in another hole he made

"This will look pretty and I'll pack some for the Dorothy, unless she's still made about humans. Maybe not." Kepler left the potatoes alone after giving them water with a empty and unused water bottle

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