The Secret to Helping a Heretic

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Counter Squad made their way to the surface where the wind howled. The emptiness of what once was known as earth, now sits as a desert of dirt, dust and mud.

"Commander?" The Commander turn to Rapi direction, just to be met with a hologram Shifty

"Shifty?!" He looked more confused than shocked as he knew this mission was set in his terms

"I'm your operator for this mission Commander." Shifty said happily

"Neon, you could've told us if you could bring your little friend over on our stroll." Anis joked while Shifty nervously laughed. Neon looked at Anis with a plain expression but knew where she was going with this

"So, Commander where are we heading?" Before he could answer, Anis chimes in once more

"Like I said, we were just heading for a stroll at the surface but we're heading back now." Anis lied

"Well if that's the case, then can I end my shift early? I want to watch the special episode of Ark Rangers." Anis frowns

"There's a special episode of Ark Rangers, well can you record it for me." Anis uses hand signals to lead the squad to move quietly out the frame

"But I thought you were heading back?" Shifty questions

"I am but I have to help the Commander with some paperwork and I won't have to to record it myself because that's all I'm going to be doing when I get back." Anis lies with a disappointing expression

"Hmm? Well, alright. I'll record it and I'll make sure to give you a share of the episode." Anis brightens up

"Thanks Shifty. I'll leave you be. See ya"

"Okay, I'll see you soon." Shifty ends the call and Anis follows her squad behind

After a while, the Counters walked into a building where the walls were thick enough

"I think we can talk in here." Anis said while knocking on the wall

"Why is that? Are you paranoid?" Neon asks the blonde Nikke

"No, I'm more skeptical that's all." Anis counters

"And why should you. Shifty isn't going to report back with any information, it's just between her and us." Neon defending the blue girl

"Well that's what you think, but I think otherwise. We haven't seen Shifty since that trip to the surface with the Pilgrims and now all of a sudden she comes back."

"Second, she hasn't given us an update or even bother getting back in contact when we got back to the Ark after the Heretic incident. So, why would she want to help us now." Anis respond

"Well, maybe it is what you think, but to me Shifty can do no harm, but maybe you're just a worrying for nothing." Neon replies

"Me worrying for nothing, as if, I'm worrying for the right reason just for us not to get stuck in a problem we cant get out off later." Anis frowns

"You are worrying for nothing, let it go!" Neon getting a little frustrated on Anis temper

"Im not going to let it go. If you really think about it why would she contact us right now. I don’t want a second worthless spy in the group." Anis replies

"Worthless!! Spy!!" Neon shouts in anger

"Well at least–"

"You two enough!" Rapi shouts

"Stop bickering. We need to get to the data center and head back to the Ark with new information on the substance. Stay on the mission at hand so we can go home safe." Anis scoffs while Neon pouts and looks away

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