Chapter 8: Rivalry

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Becky's POV

I hugged Freen after saying goodnight last night. I'm not sure where I found the strength to do it, but I just felt the urge to hug her at that moment. There was something about her embrace that felt oddly familiar, as if it tapped into a deeper, unspoken connection.

I also remembered the discomfort on Freen's face in our PE class. There was a nagging feeling that her discomfort ran deeper than just the milk tea incident.

Being too caught up in remembering some scenes that happened yesterday. I realized Freen hadn't arrived yet. I got worried, especially when I remembered she wasn't feeling well yesterday.

As soon as Nam sat down, I asked her, "Nam, why isn't Freen here?" I asked, my voice with worry.

"I have no idea, Becky. You two went home together last night. Didn't she mention anything?" Nam replied, also looking worried.

"No, she seemed fine last night," I said, thinking deeply.

"She's not feeling well, so she didn't come," Heng chimed in, overhearing our conversation.

"Is that so? Okay," I replied, anxiety creeping into my voice. I felt concerned but couldn't help but wonder why Heng knew, yet Freen didn't tell me last night.

'Why didn't she say anything?' I wondered, feeling a pang of disappointment.

Suddenly, Billy spoke from behind, teasing Heng. "Hey, Heng, why are you talking to Freen so early? Are you in a rush to court her, dude?"

Billy's teasing only added to my inner turmoil, stirring up feelings of jealousy and insecurity.

"Becky, why are you frowning?" Nam asked.

"It's nothing," I replied shortly. But truthfully, I didn't know how to handle my feelings right now.

I glanced at the two guys who continued to laugh. I was annoyed at the idea that Heng is courting Freen.

Nam didn't believe it right away. She stood beside me, leveling her face with mine, trying to read my expression.

"I know now," she said, seemingly amused. Looking at me and adjusted herself.

"Go back to your seat, Nam," I said, trying to hide my emotions.

"Come on, Becky, I can totally tell," she said with a mischievous grin. She stood up but came closer to me and whispered in my ear.

"Make the first move before someone beats you to it," she whispered, winking before returning to her seat.

"Nam!" I called, but she was already in her seat, making faces at me, grinning.

Her playful suggestion to make a move on Freen caught me off guard, leaving me flustered.

I was stunned actually. Was I really that obvious about liking Freen?

"Hey guys, listen up," Nam called for our attention as we were getting ready to leave.

"How about we visit Freen? Anyone want to join?" she asked. Heng immediately raised his hand.

I quickly raised mine too. Nam glanced at me with an amused expression.

Billy raised his hand as well.

"Okay, let's all go together," Nam said, and we started packing up our things.

"Wait, guys, I need to buy something," Heng said, excusing himself. He was quick and returned shortly.

"Ready?" Nam asked. We all nodded.

Since Freen's house wasn't far from school, we just walked.

When we arrived at her house, Billy rang the doorbell.

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