Chapter 1

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9 years ago (Age of 8)

(Felix' POV) "Take this, punk!" Noah yelled punching me in the face as we were in a playground. Noah is a bully of mine. "Hey!" I heard someone yelling, it was my best friend, Silas. Noah turned around and ran away as he saw Silas. Silas approached me and kneeled down to my level. "Are you okay?" He asked. "Yeah, the punch wasn't that hard." I replied as Silas helped me up. We walked towards the swings and talked for awhile. It was really fun. Silas' mother soon came. "Silas are you coming home? Dinners ready." She said "Ahw can't I stay for a little longer please?" Silas whined. "I'm sorry Silas but otherwise your diner will be cold.She replied. Silas sighed. "Alright, see you tomorrow Felix" He said as he went home with his mother, I also went home. "I'm home!" I yelled as I came inside the house and went upstairs. I sat down on my bed and played some video games. "Felix, dinners ready!" I heard my dad shout. "Coming!" I yelled back as I closed the video games and went downstairs. I sat down at the table as both my parents had a serious expression on their face. "Felix, we have some news for you." My mom said. "What is it?.." I said back having this anxious feeling. "We are going to move to a different city, so that your dad can finally get a good job." My mom said. I felt a heavy feeling, knowing that I'm leaving Silas and this city "Do we have to?" I asked. "Yes we do. Sorry honey" I sighed and ate my dinner. How am I going to tell Silas? I'm definitely going to miss him man. "When are we going?" I asked my mom. "Probably in 2 days as we have to put all the stuff in boxes to take it with us." She replied. I mean, at least i can see Silas tomorrow but still, i cant imagine going to a different city and having to make new friends. What if we lose contact?..

[The next day]

I walked to school because i lived close by, same for Silas. We we're walking together and i decided to tell him after school. I told him to meet me at the playground after school. Soon school was over and i was at the playground as Silas approached me. "So, what do you wanna do?" Silas asked. I sighed. "Silas, i have some bad news.." I said. Silas frowned slightly. "What is it?.." He asked. "So.. i'm moving to a different city due to my fathers work.." I spoke sadly. "Wait, that means we won't see each other everyday.."Silas spoke and i nod. "When are you going to leave?.." He asked. "Tomorrow.." I spoke softly, i didn't want to lose my best friend and go to a different city, it terrifies me. Silas gave me a tight hug. "I will never forget you! Our parents will keep contact and we will meet each other often!" He said. "yeah totally" I said with a smile. We spent the rest of the day together, when i got home the house was filled with cardboard boxes with all our stuff. I will miss this house and city...

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