crushing crushed?

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I tried not to read them but given the fact the phone was literally in front of my face as both of his arms were on either side of me his phone held in both his hands made it tricky. A text message where Dante referred to me as ‘the hot werewolf’ made me slightly chuckle. He re-read them to see if he had a curfew. “Pup.” I looked up at him. “Is it good if I stay here for tonight?” I nodded. “Yeah you'll have to share a bed with me though.” I slightly blushed at the thought. He smirked. “Sounds perfect to me.” I rolled my eyes. “Balto will probably just stay with me tonight too” Ivy said, shrugging. sounds about right. “There's the second bunk in your room right?” I asked, making sure she nodded “Yes ma’am.” I chuckled “good.” I pulled out my phone as well. “What does everyone feel like?” I said scrolling through options of food nearby on my doordash app.
When they were silent I looked up. “How does sushi sound?” I got a few awkward yeses. Sighing, I placed an order for a few different rolls and chicken, beef, teriyaki rice and noodle platters. I assume Balto isn't a fish fan or Gene for that matter. “Alright it’ll be here in twenty or so minutes alright so i'm also gonna order some groceries and maybe some lawn chairs considering we need somewhere to sit or we could stand around the kitchen island.” I rambled and caught myself. The fold up chairs I got delivered and groceries got here before thankfully and the food arrived shortly after. I was in my room with Gene as he awkwardly got changed for the night into some spare pjs red flannel pants and almost the exact shirt he wore today.
He faced away towards the closet whilst I got changed in the bathroom though it doesn't have a door and I genuinely don't care if he sees me shirtless. I wore some black short shorts and an oversized black shirt that may or may not also be Genes size. I crept up behind him grabbing him by the shoulders making him jump. “You spooked me.” I giggled “I couldn't tell by that manly yelp you let out.” I joked, “Haha, very funny.” He mocked. “They fit you well?” I asked about his torso and chest to ‘make sure.’ “Yeah.” he became short. I hummed turning around to the dresser to brush out my hair being careful of the braids I had in.  Before bed I will shower in the morning.
He came up behind me. Wrapping himself around me. “Pup.” I hummed, getting used to this routine would be nice. “Whose clothes are these?” He asked how confusing. “I'm not sure I understand.” He parted my hair to the left of my head moving it onto my left shoulder and stuffed his head into the crook of my right. “These clothes are... Much bigger than what you would wear. There a mens. Whose are these?” Should I mess with him no probably not will I? Yes. Yes I will. “Why do you ask? Jealous?” He held onto me tighter “Pup.” He growled out his hand trailing again to my tail and gently stroked it. Twirling it with his hands. My ears flattened every time he stroked it just a little rougher than the last made my knees shake as I leaned against him setting down the brush. “Yours.” I mumbled.
He hummed pulling on my tail in such a magnificent way it didn't hurt but still gave me that electrifying feeling. His other hand trailed to my back as he pushed me against the dresser just a little more of his body weight and I wouldn't be able to move. I knew I was trapped and I loved every second of it. “Care to elaborate on that pup?” My breath hitched as I tried to tal his hand snaked around my back up to my neck. “I got them in case you stayed-” a long stroke all the way from the base up to the top of my tail caused me to stop and muffle a sound I'd be embarrassed of. “In case you stayed over, I got them from Dante and Sasha!” I whined out as he continued flipping the collar of my shirt no doubt to look at the tag. “Hmm it is my size.” He said amused. Leaning right below my ear he peppered a kiss “Makes me wonder. Puppy.” He bit down on my neck right there.
Holy shit. Me and Gene have always been flirtatious and he's definitely my type but holy shit. “You know I've talked with Balto about werewolves.” He whispered yeah i know that, of course. “But I've also talked with Ivy about you.” My breath hitched. I'm gonna kill Ivy. I've told her things I never thought could leave my mouth. “Like your type of guys, tall, black hair,the typical bad boy stereotype, a little bit of chunk but enough muscle to practically throw you, and an overwhelming scent, a safe scent perhaps strawberry oak and-” I hitched “charcoal.” He chuckled with a huff. “According to Balto most female werewolves want someone to protect when it comes to a male partner but to Ivy she said something else. Huh?” he continued to pull and rub his hand that had checked the shirt tag, rested and squeezed my shoulder.
Moved up to my head the back of hit he moved us my bac was now against the dresser rather than facing it as he continued to play with my tail he now also rubbed at my ears “Balto said that the ears are a hundreds times more sensitive than the tail though i think he was exaggerating but yours are definitely more sensitive than the average aren't they?” I whimpered as he re buried his head humming some song. “They are.” I whispered. He stopped. Lifting his head up, my ears flattened. “Let's get you to sleep, you look exhausted and it's been a long day between all the running around and magic you've been using. I wouldn't be surprised if you passed out as soon as you hit the bed.” He joked leading me over. He trend out the light and grabbed me pulling me in. I started to doze off. I felt him give me a kiss on the forehead. “Sweet dreams.” He paused, seemingly thinking, “I-” He sighed resorting to another forehead kiss.
I woke up the next morning to Gene still asleep. 5:30 good plenty of time to get ready. Although I struggled to get out of his grasp I was successful. I turned on the shower before getting undressed once the water was hot enough i got in the warm water eased away the worries of the da as i washed my self being through with rubbing in my tail and ears. I wanted them to smell good strangely enough. I was through with my deshedding shower brush. I scrubbed myself thoroughly. Stepping out, I wrapped a towel around myself. Gene probably wants to shower too. I grabbed an extra loofa strawberry oak shampoo and a matching battle of conditioner. A bar of charcoal soap and a scentless body wash. I already had a spare towel hanging up. I walked across the floors to the closet right by the bed where Gene was still sound asleep.
What a sweetheart I gave him a small peck on the forehead as he did for me last night before fishing around for the girls uniform and the spare male one I had gotten i’ll wash the one he had on yesterday now and move it to the dryer after school. I brushed my hair and put it up in a ponytail, my bangs still covering my eye thankfully he hasn't seen it yet. I should get dressed soon. Arms snaked around my waist. I looked up in the mirror to see a groggy Gene in the mirror. “Morning pup you sleep well?” He said his morning voice was raspy and deeper than his normal one. “Yeah, did you?” He hummed “Real sweet of you I enjoy your kisses.” I chuckled.
I should be an ass huh, “I enjoy yours.” I flirted back. “Mhm and what a lovely sight to wake up to a toweled, dewy, puppy now what did i do last night to deserve that?” I chuckled. “Mhm well you should consider it punishment mister leaving me all high and dry like that.” I pouted. He smirked. Shit what did I say to cause that. “So would you have preferred if i went-” he paused leaning down into my ear “further” I gasped pushing him lightly. “You're so mean! Shower and get dressed.” He laughed, sticking his hands up. “Fine, fine! You mind making me a bagel.” I gasped “You get ready, I'll be waiting for you!” He chuckled. “I know,” he yelled as the water turned on.

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