Untitled: Part 69

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Surrounded by the realm where dreams and reality intertwine, 

There lives a tale of love, silent and benign. 

A love unspoken, hidden in the heart's core, 

A symphony of feelings, yet never to implore.

Each day begins with the rising sun's embrace, 

Yet shadows loom where light should trace. 

For in my heart, a secret song does play, 

A melody for you, though you look away.

Your eyes, the stars in my midnight sky, 

Glimmer with a light that makes me sigh. 

Yet you wander unaware, in your world so bright,

 While I bask in the glow of your distant light.

I trace the lines of your smile in the air, 

Wishing for moments we could share.

But like the moon chases the sun's golden hue, 

My heart chases shadows of dreams that can't come true.

Every word you speak, a precious gem, 

A memory I hold in my diadem. 

But in your presence, my words falter and flee, 

For fear they'll reveal what you cannot see.

I stand at the edge of this precipice wide, 

Yearning to leap, yet paralyzed inside.

For to confess would mean to tear asunder, 

The fragile threads of this silent wonder.

Your laughter, a mdeicine to my weary soul, 

Echoes through halls where my emotions stroll. 

Yet here I remain, in a realm of my own, 

A queen of a kingdom where love is unknown.

Every glance you cast, a dart to my heart, 

A bittersweet pain, a beautiful art.

 I gather each look, each smile, each sigh,

 Weaving a tapestry as time drifts by.

The world may see me as content and serene, 

But within, I dwell in a liminal dream.

A place where my love for you can soar, 

Unfettered by the reality that it's all folklore.

Oh, how I wish I could reach across time, 

To a moment where your hand would find mine. 

Anthology Of Love(Poetry Collection)Where stories live. Discover now