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I had a really hard time trying to decide if I should make this fluffy or sad so I'm really hoping you like it (should I do a part two??)

Rain sat in the small one bedroom apartment he now rented twisting the ring he should have taken off a long time ago but he couldn't. He couldn't bring himself to actually remove the small band it had been almost a year and he still missed him. His fiancee had left saying he didn't think they worked anymore.He had been 20 and his fiancee had been 25 and claimed that the maturity difference was too much for him. Rain respected his wishes but couldn't help wishing he had come to that conclusion earlier.

Rains POV
I know it's been a year but I think that was my epic love. The love you only get once. I know it sounds stupid but I just can't move on yet. I don't cry anymore but I can't bring myself to take off my ring. I can't seem to understand how we were together for 2 years and never fought at least not badly. We made sure to talk about things, we always made sure to spend time together and give each other space when needed. But despite everything I can remember it like it was yesterday. He came home from work and like I normally did I ran to greet him but he seemed off. I asked him but he told me it wasn't anything to worry about I didn't believe him but didn't wanna push it and instead told him I had made dinner he nodded and we sat down to eat. He didn't say anything during dinner for most of it. Until he did. "I don't think this is working anymore Rain. " I Remember how cold his voice was towards me I remember starting to cry and begging him to tell me what I had done wrong that I could fix it but he just looked at me and said "I'm sorry Rain" and left. He came back a few times to get his stuff but that was it. I still don't know what happened I don't think I ever will. I tried to call and text for a week after that but he blocked me. My thoughts are interrupted when my phone starts to ring "hello" I try to make my voice sound okay "Rain where are you we were supposed to meet up" Sky says if it wasn't for Sky I don't know if I would have made it through everything. "Sorry I zoned out again I'm leaving now" I hear a sigh on the other end "Rain did you zone out or were you doing it again" I don't answer knowing he already knows the answer. He sighs again "we will talk about this when you get here." He hates when I think about it he knows how much of a mess I was when everything happened he says I'm just torturing myself and I know he's right but I can't help it. I hang up and walk about fifteen minutes to a small cafe where Sky is waiting. I walk in and sit with him "hey" I say as I sit down "hi" he says taking a sip of his coffee. Sky isn't super talkative but I don't mind I tend to talk a lot and he has never complained he just listened I used to think I bothered him but he says he likes it this way he doesn't feel pressured to talk. "What kinda coffee did you get it's different this time? " he smiles when I ask Sky may not be talkative but he does appreciate when people notice things like that. He had a Pretty bad past so I have made it a point to pay close attention to things. "It's a Caramel latte it's pretty good" it sounds good. I nod showing him I was listening and look around the cafe. "Wanna get some coffee to go and we can go hang out? " he asks. I don't like sitting down for long periods of time so I normally get things to go. I nod and stand up walking over to order my coffee. O grab it when it's done and walk back over to sky he doesn't ask what I got because it's always the same. I didn't used to like coffee but when I first started dating him my boyfriend really liked it and convinced me to try his and it was good. Now I get the same thing A Frappe with Mocha and caramel. Sky stands up when I walk over and we go to leave but I bump into someone walking inside and I look up "I'm so sor-" it was him. Uea. My Ex fiancee. I step back and Sky grabs my arm trying to comfort me "I'm sorry are you okay" Uea asks me as though I'm a stranger or something. I don't know how to respond so I just stand there and he looks me up and down eyes stopping when they hit the hand holding my coffee. I don't understand why at first then I remember my ring. He mumbles something, and his eyes looking pained and I could swear he said "Raindrop" but I have to be wrong because in an instant he goes back to looking at me like I'm a stranger. "Uea baby we are gonna be late" I hear a taller man say and it's like my heart is crushed in my chest. If Sky didn't have a hold of my arm I swear my knees would have buckled. I knew he would move on. I didn't think I would have to hear or see it. I quickly push past him leaving the cafe not wanting to hear or see any more of it. My sight starts to blur and I can feel tears run down my cheeks. He has moved on.

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