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I really love the Hunger Games, and I was very sad when I found out Suzanne Collins wasn't going to write any more, so I thought of making my own. Hope you like it! Please tell me what you think in the comment section. And this first chapter is dedicated to my BFF, @MusicLover2212 She is very motivated and the one who got me into reading books. :) <3

The Capitol is gone. Snow is dead. my family and friends are alive and well. This is exactly what I wanted yet I feel like I have abandoned Gale. I’m so happy for him that he is planning to work in the new government but, I haven’t talked to him since. I’m so busy taking care of Prue and Cinna, that I can’t make time to congratulate him on his new position.  I can’t believe that it’s been a year since this all happened.

Peeta sits down on the bench next to me.

“What are you thinking about?” He says.

“Gale, and how we haven’t gone to meet him.”

“Let’s just go tomorrow. We can have your mother babysit the kids. I promise it won’t be a problem. I’ll ask her  myself.”

“Since when have you been so helpful?”, I replied with a little more sarcasm than expected.

“I like to try new things”, he replies with a chuckle, also with sarcasm.

“I’m going to go make lunch so that means you have to watch Prue and Cinna for a little while.”

“No problem.”

As I go inside to the kitchen, I stumble over a rock. I move it so the kids won’t trip over it too, and that is when I notice a crumpled up letter. Of course, my impulse is to open it and read it and I do. The letter says:

Dear Katniss,

I really wanted to tell you this in person but I couldn’t so I decided I would write you a letter. I really should have told you this before but I’m getting married. I thought I should move on since you are obviously going to stay with Peeta because you are already married and have a family. I want you to know that I am happy.



After reading this letter, I realize that I am so happy for Gale! I think I shouldn’t let him know that I know the news because if he wanted to tell me, he wouldn’t have crumpled up the letter. I decided that I wouldn’t tell Peeta either and I should keep it to myself. But, I don’t know what to do because my curiosity is burning in my stomach. I have so many questions to ask Gale. What’s her name? What’s she like? When did you meet? When is the wedding? Goodness, I just realized I came here to make lunch and I haven’t even started yet!

I take two pieces of bread and smear a generous amount of mayonnaise on it (Peeta loves mayonnaise). Then I take a couple slices of fresh turkey (I hunted it myself) and put them on the bread. Then, I take some mustard and squirt in on top of the turkey. I grab a tomato, slice it, and place it on the mustard. After that I take cheese, lettuce, and bacon and lay them on the sandwich. I do the same with Cinna’s and Prue’s but I don’t put nearly as much mayo and I slice their sandwiches into two  triangles so they each get a triangle. I’m not very hungry so I don’t make one for myself.

I call Cinna, Prue, and Peeta inside for lunch and they come instantly. I set the table and Peeta says, “You know, you don’t have to work so hard. Most women have machines to do everything for them.”

“Sorry for working hard.”

I help the two get on the chairs and I put their napkins on their lap.

“Mommy, the sandwich looks very yummy.”

“Yes, I also thinks that Mommy.”

“Thanks Cinna, thanks Prue.”

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