Chapter 2

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I have a million thoughts jumbled up in my head. Then I realize I’ll be able to talk to Gale today! I am so excited because I have this really nice present or him that I am positive he will adore. He will be very surprised.

I know Peeta has already woken up because he’s not in bed. Maybe he’s taking out the garbage or getting the mail. The usual Sunday chores. I wonder if he called my mom to ask her if she could babysit the kids. I get up, go to the bathroom, take a shower, and get ready to leave the room. It is about 9:30 A.M. so I go the Prue’s room and wake her up. Then I go to Cinna’s room and wake him up. I am lucky to have such great kids who listen to me and don’t always argue or be difficult. I try to enjoy them as much as I can now, because I know in a few years, Prue’s name will be in the reaping for the Hunger Games. I can’t imagine ever letting her go. Peeta or I would obviously volunteer for them.

I call my mom to confirm that Peeta called her, but she doesn’t pick up. I try her cell number and she doesn’t pick up. She might be in the bathroom or something. I call her about ten minutes later and thank God she picks up.

“Hey Mom. How are you feeling?”

“Oh I’m fine. Of course I can’t forget your sister. I cry and pray for her everyday. I just don’t know how someone can even think of harming an innocent child.”

“Yes. I grieve deeply for her also.  Mom, I have a question.”

“Yes, dear.”

“Did Peeta ask you to babysit the kids today for a few hours? He was supposed to and I wanted to make sure.”

“Yes, he did. That is why I’m on the bus right now. I was coming to your place to watch the precious kids.”

“OK thank you so much.”

“I love you dear, see you in a few minutes.”

“Love you too, bye Mom.”

I just realized that she is not with Prim. How I miss her so much. I was her older sister and I was supposed to protect her from danger and be her role model. But instead, this happened. Buttercup is her only symbol that she has left behind. I shed a few tears but I quickly wipe them off because I hear Peeta walking up behind me. I turn around and I see him standing there with a present wrapped in purple (my favorite color) wrapping paper with pink hearts on it. I am so shocked because I obviously didn’t expect it. Maybe it’s because he knows he has been being rude and not giving enough time to the family.

“I’m sorry. I feel bad for my behavior lately and I just wanted to let you know it’s not personal. I just feel that my life is ruined and I really didn’t want to get married at such a young age. The Capitol and Snow basically ruined my life forever and there is no way it can be changed. Thankfully, I got paired with you instead of someone I didn’t like. I feel that I should be thanking you because instead of yelling at me and asking me why I was being cold to you and the kids, you gave me time to cool down and tell you myself.”

I pause for a long moment and think about how I should reply to all of the things Peeta has been holding in.

“Well, it’s a lot better now that you’re communicating instead of keeping this all to yourself. I also wanted to share with you what’s going on in my life since we basically haven’t talked in so long. I was just on the phone with my mom and she was very depressed about Prim. I realized that I totally forgot about Prim and everything and maybe that’s why I haven’t been as depressed as my mom. Anyways, we kind of have to talk about this later because my mom is going to come to our house any minute and I don’t want her to hear us talking about this subject.”

“OK, sure. We better leave right when your mom gets here because I know that you’re very excited and restless to see Gale. We’ll just talk about it later.”

The Hunger Games: NightlockTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon