Chapter 3

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Yes! Finally! This is exactly what I wanted. I wanted Gale to be honest with me and tell me what’s going on. I knew he would. After all, I am his best friend. When we were trapped in 13 and when we were living in 12, we went hunting together all the time. I wonder what Valorie is like. She must be great. Gale likes her, he wouldn’t like a girl who is not amazing.

“I gotta go to the bathroom. I’ll be back soon.”, Peeta announces.

“So, how did it happen?”

“OK. I have a secret to tell you and only you. Promise not to tell?”

“Yes, I promise.”

“You know how you and Peeta got married? Like, Snow said you had to?

“They did that with you too?”

“Yeah. They thought that if I would marry my Vice President and make people think I like her, the people of Panem would think I’m soft hearted. Then, they’d like me more.”

“Oh Gale, that’s horrible. Why did you agree on it?”

“I had to. What other choice did I have? It was either to make the people let me be their leader and make them like me or to make them rebel against me.”

“Aww, I feel so bad for you. Give up love just for you job? That’s so sad.”

“Yeah, well-”

“Wait you have to explain me something.”


“The letter.”

“What letter?”

“You know what I’m talking about. The letter about you falling in love with someone and proposing to her. That letter.”

“Oh uh, about that. I’m sorry. I should have told you the truth about what really happened. I felt bad for lying so I thought I would crumple it up and throw it in the garbage. I didn't think it would ever get to you.”

“It’s OK. Now that I get it, I feel like we have our conscience cleared.”

Peeta walks into the family room. Perfect timing.

“Did I miss anything?”, asks Peeta.

“Nothing much.”, I lie.

“Yeah, Katniss was just telling me how I should hire better people to make my campaign stronger.”, Gale says supporting my lie.

“Well, I guess I’m glad I didn’t miss anything.”, Peeta replies suspiciously.

“I’m hungry. Anyone else up for dinner?”

“Yeah me too. We should leave for Red Lobster.”

“Let’s go. We can all come in my hov.”

“Nice save.”, I whisper to Gale.

“Thanks.”, He whispers back.

“I can hear you guys.”, Peeta unexpectedly says.

Peeta goes in first and then comes Gale. They sit together in the front. I sit in the back seat. When Gale told me the truth, I felt so good to know that Gale was planning to tell me all along. If he hadn’t told me. I would feel like I’m not Gale’s best friend and he is mine. We don’t talk much during the ride except for some exchanges with Peeta and Gale. I feel so awkward.

We step out of the hov and walk into the building. We smell so many herbs, and we see the poor little lobsters staring through the glass wanting someone to save them from their doom. There is a long line so we wait for about fifteen minutes until the server shows us our table. I open the menu and I know exactly what I want. The Lobster Pizza and the Shrimp Linguini. I never really hear the word linguini but it’s a word that was commonly used a long, long time ago and I think it is Italian. [9]

The restaurant was really cool. It had holographic waiters and waitresses. We had touch screen menus and the food appeared on the table. We had a really nice dinner and Peeta paid. Actually, Peeta and Gale had a little argument about who was going to pay. They ended up flipping a coin to decide.

I was sitting there realizing that Gale is my only friend and he is a boy. I need a female friend I can talk to. I haven’t really been in touch with Finnick and Johanna. I’m pretty sure they are in good hands. Johanna doesn’t like me anyways and Finnick is really happy that he is with Annie. I don’t want to bother either of them.

We drop off Gale at his house and he literally begs us to stay at his place but we couldn’t because they kids were at home with mom. I really don’t think that she could babysit them for the night and the next day. But, we did say that we would come another day. I mean, why wouldn’t we? His house is amazing and I am definitely not going to miss out on the opportunity to stay there. [10]

When we come home it’s pretty late. Poor mom was watching her favorite show on the cooking channel. The kids are sleeping and they are wearing their pajamas.

“Hey mom. Thanks so much.”

“Oh, no problem. They were little angels.”

“That’s good to hear. How was dinner?”

“It was great. DInner was even better than lunch and I didn't think that could have been possible!”

“That’s great.”

“How was your dinner with Peeta and Gale?”

“It was good. We ate seafood at Red Lobster.”

“That’s nice.”

“Thanks so much for watching the kids for me. We wouldn’t have been able to go if it wasn't for you.

“It was my pleasure. I should get going. It’s really late and I’m tired.”

OK, Mom, you can stay if you want.”

“No thanks, I’m fine.”

“Bye Mom!”

“Bye honey!”

I give my mom a big hug and tell her to drive safe. I offer to teleport her using my teleporter, but she refused. She really doesn’t like high tech things. I see that Peeta has gone to sleep and I know I’m not tired. So, I switch to my alternative, the t.v.

I turn to the news channel. I see Gale on t.v. with a bullet in his chest and blood splattered all over him.

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