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I woke up lying on something that seems like a bed
"H-huh? Where am I? what happened?" I asked myself
"You're awake? Thank God you are, I thought you were dead, you were asleep for 3 days straight" I heard a voice
"Hm?" I mumbled
Then I looked at the direction of the voice and saw a nurse with red eyes and red hair
"Huh? 3 days? What did I-" I said
I felt a sudden burst of memories rush back to my mind
"I remember now, my 'family' turned into demons then, then I...... I did something and killed them all" I said while feeling dizzy
"Good to know you remember" The Nurse said calmly
"Huh? You're not scared? I mean I killed people" I said confusingly
"Well, you're in a hospital and a magic hospital of the secret school called 'Magria Sacramento' and I am also a magician so something like that doesn't scare me" The Nurse said calmly to me
"Magria Sacramento?" I asked
"It's a secret school where magicians learn and strenghten their Magic" The Nurse answered
"I see, but I remember getting a letter, may I have it?" I asked
"A letter? Ohhh, you mean this? I found you holding it so I brought it along, here you go" The Nurse said to me
I opened the letter and read it's content
"Hey there Bro, I expect that when you are reading this letter you have already killed those Demons and already lying down in bed of the school called Magria Sacramento, if you want to know more about everything come meet me at the roof at 9:00 PM"
I placed the letter on my lap and thought for a moment
"Hmmm" I mumbled
"Is there something wrong?" The Nurse asked
"May I ask who you are?" I asked
"Oh right, I haven't introduced myself yet, I apologize for my misbehavior, My name is Kayla Lei Romano but you can just call me Kayla" She said to me
"I see, nice to meet you Kayla, I'm Ned, I hope I can get along with you" I responded to her
"Yes, I hope to get along with you to Ned" She said to me
"May I ask what time it is?" I asked
"Hmmm, it's 7:35 PM on my watch" she responded while looking at her watch
"I see, can you please tell me to get up in about 8:30 PM?" I requested
"Well, I can do that but you should rest first, do you need anything?" She asked
"Well, I feel thirsty, may I ask for a glass of water" I responded
"Okay, wait for a while" she said to me while walking away
I waited for Kayla to come back but the memory of doing that to my parents has been burned to my mind, it felt somewhat good to do that
"I'm back, a glass of water as requested, and a pitchel of it too, just in case" she said with a smile
"Thank you Kayla" I responded with a smile
I took a glass of water and drank it and kept on drinking until I finished the whole pitchel of water
"Thank you again Kayla, now I wanna rest, please wake me up in about 8:30 PM please" I said to her
"Okay, you have a good nap Ned" She responded
I lied down in my bed adn Kayla left the room and closed the door then I slept for a while
"Hello Bro, quite a long time since we talked huh" a voice said to me
"Yeah, 3 days is quite some time, who are you? I asked it
"Me? I'm your little sister separated by birth, my name is Lin Kumi" She answered
"Sister? Separated by birth? Why were we separated by birth?" I asked her
"Yes, I'm your little Sis, we were separated by birth because Mother saw that you possessed a powerful magic and was afraid that you might hurt the family, so she sealed your powers and gave you to a family which were killed and turned to Demons" She answered
"I see, what about Mom? Where is she?" I asked
"You'll know that once you wake up Bro, see you later" she responded
Then I woke up and saw Kayla shaking me
"Wake up Ned, it's time to wake up" She said to me while shaking me
"Whoa, I'm awake now Kayla you can stop shaking me now" I said to her feeling dizzy
"Oh, I'm sorry about that Ned, but it's 8:33 so shouldn't you be hurrying?" She said to me
"Oh yeah, would,you mind if I borrow a change of clothes?" I asked her
"Well, okay let me go get some spare clothes here" She said to me
Kayla went to get some spare clothes and as I waiting I felt a sudden feeling of being watched
"You can stop hiding now" I said calmly
"Ohhhh, you sensed my presence? How interesting" I heard a voice
Then a girl with slim chest and a typical school uniform outfit suddenly appeared beside my bed
"Whoa, are you a ninja?" I asked with amazement
"Yes, I am a ninja, cool right?" She said proudly
Then Kayla entered the room and got surprised someone was there
"Whoa, is that you Rin?" She asked her
"Ohhhh, Kayla, yep, it's me" She responded
"Rin? Is that your name?" I asked her
"Yep, my name's Rin Msitri, but you can call me Rin" She said to me
"I see, nice to meet you Rin, I'm Ned" I responded
"Well, here's your change of clothes Ned" Kayla said to me while giving me a white t-shirt and slacks
"Thanks a lot Kayla" I said to her with a smile
I dressed up and got ready to leave the room when suddenly Rin tugged my shirt
"Whoa there Ned, where are you going? Rin asked
"I'm gonna meet someone important so please let go" I said to her
She stopped tugging my shirt and just sat down with Kayla on the chair
"Don't worry, I'll be back" I said to them
I left the room then rushed to the rooftop
"Well well, just on time Brother" I heard a voice
When I looked for my little sis, I had a sudden sensation of being hugged then I noticed she was behind me
"Whoa there, Lin, calm down" I said to her
She letted go then I turned backwards to face her and saw a beautiful girl with a huge chest, Black hair and Silver eyes
"I've wanted to meet you for a long time Bro, a long time" She said to me while holding back her tears
"Shhh, it's fine now, I'm here with you aren't I?" I said to her them hugged her
Then I noticed when I was hugging her I felt her tears dropping on my shoulders
"There there, it's okay, it's okay, let your tears roll" I said to her while hugging her
"Uwahhh" She cried while hugging me
After she finished crying she letted go and try to pull me to someplace downstairs
"Hm? Where are we going Lin?" I asked her
"To where Mother is" She answered
Then I walked with her and got to a place to, what seems like an apartment in the school
"This is where Mother is" She said to me
"I see, shall we go in?" I asked
"Only you must enter this room Brother, because Mother only wants to see you" She said to me with a sad face
"I see, wait for me here okay? I'll be back so don't be sad" I said with a smile
As I entered the room I felt a huge amount of pressure and saw a door
"Kgh, what's this? Killing intent?" I wondered
"Come in, I've been waiting for you Ned" A voice in front of me said
"Just you wait" I said while feeling pressured
As I tried to move forward to reach the door the pressure became heavier
"W-what the?" I said confused
"What's wrong Ned? Can't go on?" The voice mockingly said to me
"No, I can go on" I responded
I kept moving forward with every step getting heavier then opened the door and went in
"Welcome Ned, no I should say 'Son'" The voice in front of me said
I looked forward and saw a girl with glasses sitting on a chair and a desk in front with two chairs in front of it
"Son? You're my Mother?" I asked confused
"Is that how you greet you're Mother after meeting her for the first time?" She said to me
"Is that what a Mother would do to a son who she didn't take care of?" I responded
"Hahahaha, you really are like me, but sadly you are more like 'him'" she said to me
"Him?" I asked
"You're Father, the Demon king" She said with a focused look in the eye
"My Father is the Demon King? H-how?" I said confused
"Long story short, Demons were nice back then they were in good terms with humans, but then a demon with great power, unsealed the seal to the 3 Demon kings, Beelzebub, Satan, and your Father Astaroth, you're Father was a good demon, he repented his wrong doing with the help of time in the seal, however the two demon kings Beelzebub and Satan were filled with immense anger and sought vengeance to the human race so they joined forces and recruited demons who have the same hatred to human and I'm sure you know what they do, but your Father ran away and saw me walking in the woods, at first I was surprised to know that he was a demon king but then time passed and I gradually took a liking to him and did things and this is what it is now in the present." She told me calmly
"Where is Father now?" I asked with an interested expression
"He is out there, somewhere, trying to find a way to reseal the other Demon kings and finding allies" she answered
"I see, then what am I? I said confusingly
"You are what some would say a 'Demi-Human' but as you are now you cannot control your powers yet can you?" She said calmly
"W-well, no I just learned it recently, so I don't know how to use it properly" I said while feeling ashamed
"In this academy, we can teach you to control your power, and learn how to use it properly" She said with a focused look
"Then, make me a student of this school, I want to learn how to control this thing, and I want to stop those demon kings" I said
She gave me a form
"Then sign this up, but remember, you must control your powers because not everyone in the school is as strong as you" She said to me
I signed the paper then gave it to her
"I look forward to this" I said
"Good, then here are the keys to your room, ask for Lin to take you there and get some rest, school starts ar 7:00 AM" She said with a smile
"I will, thanks Mom" I said
I left the room and went outside and saw Lin sitting down near the door
"I'm back Lin, can you take me to this place?" I said to her
"Sure thing Bro, follow me" She said to me then stood up
I followed Lin to the dormitory and entered a room that is fully equipped with everything
"Is this my room or are all rooms like this?" I asked confusingly
"All rooms are like this" Lin said to me
"I see, well, thanks Lin for guiding me here, you can go now and rest
"We share the same room Bro" She said to me
"What? I thought boys and girls rooms are separated" I said
"We're Family, so that's fine but please don't do anything to me" She embarrasingly said to me
"Don't worry, I won't, let's just sleep" I said
"Okay" She responded
Then I took a bath and change my clothes then slept on the bed beside Lin

Hi there guys, I hope you like this story, this is my first self-made story so it's very long, I apologize for that, expect a new update soon, Protofan out

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