part 2 of c.11

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The baby shower party for Ayanda and Sizwe's new arrival was meant to be a joyous celebration, but the atmosphere soured when Mbalenhle, Kwenzo's ex, arrived. Nolihle, trying to be friendly, approached her with a warm smile, only to be met with a venomous remark: "You think you can replace me, Nolihle? You're not even a real Zulu woman, just a pretender."

"angizwanga kahle,uthini?" I slowly walked up to her cause kahle kahle uzengani la?

"ungenzi isimungulu Nolihle" Mbali chuckled walking away sipping on her champagne.

Nolihle's eyes flashed with anger as she turned and stormed off to Kwenzo,who stood frozen, seemingly unsure of how to intervene. "Kwenzo, why did you not defend me? Why did you just stand there like a coward?" I yelled embarrassing him.

"Nolihle, please understand—" Kwenzo began, but she cut him off.

"Understand what? That your ex can insult me and you say nothing? 'Akukho noma ngani there's no respect at all!"

Kwenzo sighed, trying to calm her down. "Nolihle, my love, I know Mbalenhle's words were hurtful, but"

"But what, Kwenzo? But you still care for her? 'Ukuthanda kwam' - you still love her, don't you?"

Kwenzo's voice rose in defense. "Nolihle, that's not fair! I chose you, not her. You're my love" Now almost everyone is staring at us. Kwenzo grabbed me when we walked outside the venue.

Nolihle's expression softened slightly, but her words remained laced with pain. "Then show me, Kwenzo. Show me that you value our love and our culture. 'Ngiyakuthanda,I love you Kwenzo but I won't stand for disrespect."

Kwenzo's eyes pleaded for understanding. "Nolihle, please, let's not let Mbalenhle come between us. We're stronger than that."

Nolihle's gaze lingered on his face before she turned and walked away, leaving Kwenzo to wonder if their love was strong enough to overcome the challenges that lay ahead.

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