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In the high-stakes T20 cricket match between Australia and England, Pez, the star player for Australia, found herself in the spotlight. With tensions mounting and fans on the edge of their seats, Pez was determined to make a game-changing play. As the ball soared towards her, she leaped into action, diving with everything she had to make the catch.

But in that split second, disaster struck. Pez's knee collided with the hard ground, sending a wave of pain shooting through her body. She gritted her teeth, refusing to let go of the ball despite the searing agony. The crowd held its breath as Pez clutched her knee, struggling to rise to her feet.

The team physio rushed onto the field, fear etched on their face as they assessed the injury

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The team physio rushed onto the field, fear etched on their face as they assessed the injury. Pez's knee was swollen and tender, a telltale sign of potential ligament damage. With the match hanging in the balance, the team faced a difficult decision. Should they risk Pez's long-term health for the sake of victory, or play it safe and substitute her out?

Amidst the chaos, Pez's teammates rallied around her, offering words of encouragement and support. But the weight of the moment was heavy on everyone's shoulders. With each passing minute, the clock ticked down, and the outcome of the match grew more uncertain.

Ultimately, the team made the tough call to substitute Pez out of the game, opting for her health and well-being over the pursuit of victory. It was a bitter pill to swallow, knowing that their star player would be sidelined with an injury.

As Pez was escorted off the field, the crowd erupted into applause, recognizing her bravery and determination in the face of adversity

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As Pez was escorted off the field, the crowd erupted into applause, recognizing her bravery and determination in the face of adversity. Though the match ended in a loss for Australia, Pez's resilience and spirit inspired her teammates and fans alike, serving as a reminder that there are some things more important than winning.

**Physio's Conversation with Pez:**

Physio: Pez, I'm afraid the news isn't good. It looks like you've torn a ligament in your knee.

Pez: (sighs) How bad is it?

Physio: It's a significant tear. You're going to need some time off to recover properly.

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