Chapter 9: Hesitant Heart

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Freen's POV

My heart pounding with every step as I watched her walked towards their house. Feeling the ache in my chest, she's unaware of the storm brewing within me.

I should have told her the truth the first time we met at school. But every time I tried to muster the courage, it felt like the words got stuck in my throat, and I lost the strength to speak.

'Becky... how can I tell you without shattering your heart? No matter how I try to look at it, you'll be hurt... not just once, but over and over again, with each revelation... who I am, and why we had to leave.'

'I already hurt you once, and the thought of causing you more pain tears me apart. Seeing you suffer again and again is something I can hardly bear.'

'Will you be able to look at me the same way once you know everything? Or will you turn your back on our friendship, unable to forgive me?'

Thought and questions swirled in my mind, each one like a dagger. I felt paralyzed, not knowing how to begin.

I found myself unable to let go of the moment... of what we have today. With my heart racing, I called out her name.


She turned, surprised, but then she smiled when she saw it was me. That smile... it made everything even harder.

Fear overwhelmed me... I couldn't do it, not yet. I needed to prepare her for the truths she was about to uncover. I needed to prepare myself for the possibility of losing her.

'Not now... I want to spend more time with her... to savor these moments before everything changes. But I will tell her everything,' I silently vowed to myself.

"Freen? What's up... did you forget something?" She asked.

In that moment, I had a change of heart. Instead of spilling everything, I simply smiled back at her, concealing my inner turmoil.

"Becky, I--I have good news!"

I snapped back to reality upon hearing a car horn on the road.

After my near-confession to Becky last night, I waited eagerly for her this morning in front of their gate. Suddenly, I felt like someone was watching me, so I glanced around, left and right, but there was no one there. Was it just my imagination? But I couldn't shake the feeling that someone's eyes were on me.

"Freen?" I heard Becky's voice calling out to me. The sound of my name coming from her was like music to my ears. I quickly turned to her and smiled, a mixture of relief and excitement flooding through me as I caught sight of her angelic face. Her smile was radiant, adorned with dimples that added to her beauty. I pushed aside the strange sensation I felt earlier, focusing solely on her presence. Maybe it was just my nerves acting up.

"Becky!" I said with a smile.

"Why are you here? Were you waiting for me?" she asked, her voice laced with curiosity and a hint of amusement, her eyes sparkling.

"Yes, so we can go to the school together... if that's okay with you?" I replied, feeling a blush creeping up my cheeks. My heart fluttered with every word exchanged. I wanted to make the most of our time together, knowing that it wouldn't last forever.

"Sure," she accepted, her hand reaching out to intertwine with mine. As our fingers laced together, a surge of emotion washed over me, a mix of joy, nervousness, and longing.


We had a subject where we had an activity again, called the blindfolded game. Our teacher instructed us to find a partner and prepare a handkerchief.

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