TS : Chapter IV | The Past

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:   ᯓ Zuān's

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:   ᯓ Zuān's

When I was young, I encountered difficulties due to my unique heritage, I was taunted by my peers because of the Knight Warrior's blood that flowed through my veins and also because of the white hair that grew from my scalp.

I often found myself locked in the house by my mother because she fear that I'm possessing the Sapphire.

I would spend hours inside the house alone, often going hungry as I waited for my parents to return.

But they never did, so for several agonizing days, I was trapped in my home, with nothing to eat other than my own hope for survival.

Despite the bleak situation, I never lost hope and one fateful day, someone tried to enter the house, so I rushed to the door begging for them to let me out.

After a seemingly endless wait, the door finally opened revealing a soldier whom I didn't recognize.

I couldn't begin to fathom the soldier's intentions, so I begged and pleaded for food and a way out of the misery that I had been experiencing.

As I begged the soldier for food, all I could think about was the rumbling of my empty stomach after that he silently offered me a simple piece of bread.

I eagerly gulped it down, not even stopping to express my gratitude in my haste, the soldier stood there, quietly watching as I consumed the food, giving me a sense of relief and hope in that moment of desperation.

With my belly finally satisfied, I turned to face the soldier that had given me the bread. To my surprise, the soldier was gone, leaving the door wide open.

I quickly darted out of the house, determined to find the soldier. The thought of finally being free from the misery of being locked inside flooded my mind, giving me the strength to search for the nameless soldier that had saved me from starvation.

Without my parents by my side I knew I would have to fend for myself but I wasn't afraid. I had a fighting spirit, and I was determined to make it in the world on my own.

So, I set out on a journey, hoping to find the soldier that had given me the crucial piece of bread, but I was unsuccessful in my search, despite this, I refused to give up, deciding to find a job and earn money to buy food, all while still searching for that kind soldier.

After walking for a prolonged period, I happened to stumble across a house deep in the woods, with no idea as to why it existed in such a remote location.

I approached cautiously and knocked on the door three times, to my surprise, someone inside the house answered my call and opened the door to greet me.

When the door to the house swung open, I found myself face to face with a young woman who looked to be in her mid-thirties.

The woman, who I guessed to be in her 30s, looked at me with a concerned expression "Are you okay?" she asked.

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⏰ Last updated: 7 days ago ⏰

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