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Okay so this is my only story wich will not be bts a fanfiction it's gonna be a bjornfiction. This sory is going to have soooooo maaaany grammar errors because I do not read it before posting  and I'm laughing to much to check my spellings. This story is not only for horselover it's for everyone who want to have fun. Sooooo doo yuooo want a introduction to BJORN? You gonna get it anyways. I hope you are ready to laugh beacuse me and my friend is dying here when writing. hehhehehehehehh. So hre we are presenting BJORN!

Name: Bjorn Pornounce Bjoooooorn

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Name: Bjorn Pornounce Bjoooooorn

Swedish name: Björn

Age: 33 (horses can not be more than 20 years)

Type: Schleich pony

Height: 132 cm (4,3 feet)

Look: Very gray and white some scars beacuse he is used many times (he was not new when I baught him) staring eyes

Relation to humans: Everyone hates him

Relation to horses: Everyone hates him

What does he think about everyone: Likes to irritate others but secretly loves Star (his crush who hates him)

So this stoey is based on a real story and a real toy horse. Hope you like it. 

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