Chapter 10: Fearless

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Becky's POV

"Becky! -- left! -- a little left! -- then right! -- step forward!" Freen yelled to me, guiding me towards her.

Because the guides were all shouting, we, blindfolded participants were almost confused. But I managed to follow her instructions little by little.

Freen's voice cut through it all, I knew it was hers despite the noises around me.

This game was also fun, despite the overwhelming noise.

While we continued playing, I accidentally bumped into one of our classmates and fell down.

My classmate offered to help, I insisted on getting up myself.

But as I stand up and attempt to go back to my spot...I was lost. The disorientation from the fall clouded my memory of my previous position. Panic surged through me.

"Freen?!" I called out, but no one answer. I listened carefully, but others were still shouting loudly, so I struggled to find her voice... or was she no longer speaking?

"Freen?..... Freen?!" I continued calling for her.

As I persistently called her name, a short memory flooded back.


"Freen... Freen... Freen!" I was calling her name while tears streamed down my face.

~end of flashback~~

The younger version of me calling the same name I was calling now... do I know Freen before? or is she a different person? And why am I crying?

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard loud shouting and panic.

"Freen!!!!" my classmates shouted. I wondered why they were also calling for Freen. Curious to see what was happening, I removed my blindfold.

I frozed in place, my heart sinking at the sight before me. Freen, unconscious, being supported by two classmates. Heng, Billy, and Nam rushed to her side, their worry evident.

Reality crashed over me, I immediately ran towards them.

"Freen?!" I called out, my voice trembling with fear.

""Give her air... let's take her to the clinic!" our teacher's command in a panicked tone.

Heng, Billy, and several classmates carried Freen to the clinic, our teacher following closely behind, after instructing the whole class to return to our room.

"Becky... come on!" Nam's voice pulled me from my daze.

"Nam... what happened?!" I asked her, as we hurried after them.

"They said she collapsed out of nowhere," Nam replied, her own worry evident.

As we reached the clinic, we were asked to wait outside, with only our teacher allowed inside.

"Becky... are you okay? Don't worry, Freen is okay... maybe she just got some heat, she wasn't feeling well yesterday, right?" Nam's attempt at reassurance.

I could only nod, still shocked at what happened.


Time seemed to stretch endlessly, and my worry for Freen wouldn't go away. Every second felt like an hour as we waited.

After what felt like 15 or 20 minutes, our teacher finally came out.

"Ma'am how's Freen?" We all sprang to our feet, and asked simultaneously.

"Don't worry, she's okay. She's awake now. But the nurse said she needs to rest here for a while," our teacher replied. But I noticed something off—she couldn't meet our eyes, as if she was hiding something.

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