Chapter 8 - Airncard Flashback Part 2: The Bet?

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Disclaimer Alert: I do not own any of the following characters from SAO. Here is Chapter 8. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy the story.


"Phew, I guess this is the last of the <Dead Tree> I have to clear in this area," you sigh, sheathing your sword. "Now that I've gathered the information I needed, it's time to figure out my approach," you think to yourself, noticing the mist beginning to roll in.

Realizing that battling in these conditions would be suicide, you decide to retreat back to town in search of sustenance. Upon reaching the town gate, you spot two familiar figures standing there, seemingly awaiting your return.

"Oh? It's not every day I have people personally coming to the town gate to meet me. What can I do for you, Kirito and Asuna?" you ask, walking up to them.

"It seems you anticipated our arrival," Kirito responds with a serious expression.

"Am I wrong? I figured it's about time you guys managed to dig out the relevant information," you say with a slightly annoyed tone.

"..." Both Kirito and Asuna remain silent, studying you carefully.

"Relax, there's no need for tension. Care to join me for lunch? I'm sure there are questions you'd like to ask." You gesture for them to follow as you head towards a nearby café.

After a brief walk, you arrive at a somewhat upscale café. You notice Kirito and Asuna hesitating at the entrance. With a reassuring smile, you inform them that the meal is on you, prompting them to follow you inside. Once you've all ordered your meals, you decide to speak.

"Well, what would you like to know? Or perhaps, how much have you already figured out?" you inquire.

"We only know that you're the one who took down the floor boss on floor 84," Kirito replies, crossing his arms.

"Heh, as expected from the 'Black Swordsman,'" you respond with a small chuckle.

"How did you manage to solo a floor boss? It's impossible for a regular player to defeat one alone!" Asuna asks, her tone filled with surprise.

"I'm not obligated to answer that question. All I can say is that I'm not your 'average' player. And before you make any assumptions, I'm not like Heathcliff, with the ability to manipulate the rules of this world," you say, shrugging your shoulders.

"You mentioned his name before. It seems like you know about Heathcliff, not Kayaba Akihiko. Can you tell us what you know about him? And do you know why he's doing this? Is there any way we can free ourselves from this game? After defeating him on floor 75, the game didn't end; it just continued," Kirito asks, staring down at his drink.

You let out a sigh, glancing out the café window. "I only know as much as you do... though I didn't just participate in the beta of the game, but also in its alpha stage," you say casually, noticing the bewildered expressions on their faces.

"The two of you look quite amusing right now. But my identity isn't that important. As for his objectives and how to be free from the game, unfortunately, I don't know. All we can do is aim for floor 100 and clear it. Although, if I were you, I wouldn't assume he was defeated on floor 75," you continue with a smile.

"What do-"

Just as Kirito is about to continue his questioning, you raise your hand to stop him as you watch the food being served at the table. "Well, I'll leave it to you to figure that out yourselves. For now, why don't we enjoy the food?" you say, looking at the dishes with excitement.

After you all finish eating, you decide to head back to the inn. However, as you're about to leave, you're stopped by Kirito.



"Let's have a bet."

"Oh? A bet, huh? What are we betting on?"

"If we can reach the floor 86 boss room in a week, I want you to join the boss raid and show me your fight."

"... And if you can't?"

"Then we'll stop prying into your business, and we won't ask you to help us in clearing the floor."

Upon hearing Kirito's words, you can't help but smile. "Very well. I accept."

You wave your hand to them as you head back to your inn.


Let's stop here for now. I apologize for the short chapter as I have been very busy and unable to update for the longest time. Next time, we shall see if Kirito and the rest can hold up to their bet as we reach the last part of the recap. Thank you for reading, and I will see you all next time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07 ⏰

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