Chapter 6 - After the raid will be a party?

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Disclaimer Alert: I do not own any of the following characters from SAO. Here is Chapter 6. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy the story.


"Congrats on clearing the floor boss, Sleeping Knight, and [Y/N]!" Klein and the rest of the group offer their wishes to you and your temporary guild as you all clear the floor boss. Currently, all of you are gathered outside of the house, own by Kirito and Asuna, for a party.

After the cheers, you went to the corner of the house and stood there silently as you watch your SAO friends celebrating wildly with the <<Sleeping Knight>> members. "Haizz... I am so tired." You said as you open your game windows and leave the guild.

"Yo, good work out there. I heard the boss give you a rough time." Kirito said as he waves his hand at you.

"It sure did... After all, its weakness is only the core on its chest. Well that aside, my <<Salvation Starfall>> is one of the main reasons that I am feeling so tired now." You said as you let out another sigh before taking a sip of juice from the cup that you were holding.

"Hmm... Hey [Y/N], it been on my mind for some time, but your <<Salvation Starfall>> what is it? Back in SAO, we don't have any sword skill that is more than 27 hits, which is <<The Eclipse>> that I wield since I am the only person with the <Dual Wield> unique skill.

Not to mention, your unique skill is <Battle Stance> which only allow you to swap your stance between 'unsheath' and 'sheath' stance and use the respective skill where you only use one word at that time wasn't it? Now you are just like me using dual wield, so I am just curious as two how you develop it." Kirito asks as he stood beside you while the two of you witnessing the tragic of Klein been rejected three times in a row.

"Hmm... Well, I don't mind explaining to you. Simply put, I combine my strongest 'unsheath' stance <<Sakura Vortex >> and 'sheath' stance <<Thousand Blade>> skill together and make it as one skill when I duel wielding. However, when I am using one sword, my <<Salvation Starfall>> will be unable to use. Hence, I will only be able to use either <<Sakura Vortex>> or <<Thousand Blade>>.

Oh, just to put it out there, I did master ALO version of <Battle Stance>, well more like a reward from the administrator for helping them out with some of the update patches." You said as you grin at Kirito as he looks at you with surprise.

"Wait, you help out with the development of ALO??" Kirito asks as he could not believe what he just heard.

"Yeah... Wait, did I not mention before that I am pretty good with game programming engine and so?" You said as you tap on your chin.

"No, you did not! I thought you were some hardcore gamer or so." Kirito said as he let out a sigh.

"Hahaha, regarding me helping out the development and be a good game programmer, I hope you keep a secret from the rest. Not to mention, I am currently just a student like you all." You said as you look at Kirito with a nervous smile.

"Don't worry! I promise that I won't tell anyone about it," Kirito said as he made a pinky promise with you. You nodded with thanks.

"Anyway, regarding back to your sword skill topic, can you elaborate more on what do you mean by you combine two sword skill. I remember to create an Original Sword Skill user will need to be able to imagine how the skill works and understand the concept behind it. However, I never heard of combining sword skill will allow you to produce the sword skill." Kirito asks as he crosses his arm while looking at you.

"Well... It's kind of hard to explain, but I will see if I can simplify it. I bet you already by now know that each sword skill has its pattern, and to use it, the player must be aware of how the sword skill is triggered and move according to it, right?" You ask as Kirito nodded in agreement.

"To combine the sword skill, you must go a bit deeper where you need to understand the fundamental of how the sword skill works. By understanding it, you will be able to combine the sword skill and alternate it base on how you wish to see it.

Well, when reproducing a combined version, it will be more difficult as you have to avoid awkward movement, and the action must be smooth. That said, you don't have to worry about actually losing your original sword skill even after you combine it." You explain as you stare down at your drink.

"So, in other words, if the movement does not feel right, and you are not clear of how the sword skill work, you are unable to produce a combined form of the sword skill? Hmm... that sounds harder than it is." Kirito said as he looks at you with a trouble expression.

"Ahahaha... true enough." You said as you glance up to the sky.

"What can I say, you always seem to surprise me with your gamer skill [Y/N]. It just like the time in SAO when you solo clear floor 84 boss and move ahead of the leading group." Kirito said as he chuckles a bit while remembering the time in SAO.

"Hahaha... that reminds me, I meet you, and Asuna on floor 85 wasn't it. After all, floor 85 is the place where our encounter takes place. Man, that takes me back! I was surprised to see two ace frontline assault lead at that place, and best of all, I did not know the place we meet at was a dating spot even hahaha!" You said as you start to think back the time where you meet Kirito and the rest in SAO.


Okay, let stop here for now. Until the next time, Peace Out! 😊

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