Twenty nine

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The throne room of Gondor was made from such blinding white stone, seemingly more shiny than the rest of the city, that Namir felt like his black fur was dirtying the place. He flicked his tail and resumed rolling across the sleek marble floor. The cool solid surface nice on his skin and the bright colour a far cry from the filthy cold floors of Isengard. He made a happy mrrrp noise as Legolas took a seat at his side to run his fingers across the panther's chest. The rest of the room's occupants ignoring the scene like it was common place, which in fact it was. They had long stopped being wary of the giant cat in their midst. 

If it wasn't for Namir relaxing happily in the middle of the floor, then the atmosphere would have been a lot more tense. It was still grave however. Gandalf's proclamation "Frodo has passed beyond my sight. The darkness is deepening", was grave enough to set some mood. 

Aragorn was staring pensively out of one of the windows, back to the room. Namir thought that he and Eomer were both getting into practise for the whole 'brooding king thing'. The death of Theoden had been sad but Namir had not wasted any energy on it. The king of Rohan had died a heroic death by his opinion and he would feast over the battle with the others when this was all over. When this would be over though, that was currently up for debate. 

"If Sauron had the ring, we would know it", Aragorn stated. 

It is only a matter of time", Gandalf argued. "Suffered a defeat, yes. But behind the walls of Mordor the enemy is regrouping". 

Gimli was puffing on his pipe in what had been the stewards chair. If Namir was in human form then he might have fought the dwarf for the pleasure of stealing the seat. It had lost any power it held when Dethanor died, but Namir would still find it funny to take what the previous occupant had so coverted. "Let him stay there. Let him rot", the dwarf exclaimed. "Why should we care?"

Gandalf wasn't impressed. "Because ten thousand orcs now stand between Frodo and mount doom".  The second sentence came out quieter. "I've sent him to his death". 

Namir began purring loudly as Legolas scratched his ears. The elf fondly digging his nails into the muscles and massaging. It made the cat stretch and nudge his head deeper into the touch. The blonde's usual blank expression shifting into a fond smile. 

Aragorn and Eomer both glanced at the scene before turning away. Eomer rolling his eyes while Aragorn returned to the conversation. "No. There's still hope for Frodo. He needs time and safe passage across the plains of Gorgoroth. We can give him that". 

"How?" Gimli eyed the future king. 

"Draw out Sauron's armies. Empty his lands. Then we gather our full strength and march on the black gate". That sent Gimli into a coughing fit as the dwarf choked on his smoke. 

"We cannot achieve victory through strength of arms", Eomer objected. 

"Not for ourselves", Aragorn interrupted. "But we can give Frodo his chance if we keep Sauron's eye fixed upon us. Keep him blind to all else that moves". 

"A diversion", Legolas voiced, the blonde looking up from the cat. Namir lifted his head and gave a rumbling noise in agreement before plopping his chin on the elf's leg in a demand for more pets. Legolas let out a fond exhale and obliged as the sound go purring started up again. The noise a gentle background sound bouncing off the marble walls. 

"Sauron will suspect a trap", Gandalf warned. "He will not take the bait". 

"Certainty of death? Small chance of success?" Gimli boomed with a grin. "What are we waiting for?" 

Aragorn smiled as he gazed around the room. "It appears settled then. We shall ride out at first thing. All of you get some rest and eat up. For this maybe a suicide mission". 

Namir stretched and stood up. His body lengthening and the bones reforming until he stood on his human feet, the only thing covering his nudity being the tumble of his long wavy hair. He grinned at the room as Legolas stood and with practised hands threw a cloak around the skin-changer's shoulders. "Suicide? Don't be so hopeful. It's more likely that we will be captured and dragged through those dark gates to be playthings for hundreds of orcs". His grin turned dark. "I would welcome death over captivity again". 

"Don't be so depressing!" Gimli barked. "May we die with blades and axes in our hands so that we may reach the afterlife as warriors". He lifted his pipe in a cheer and Namir laughed. 

"Aragorn mentioned food. I lets feast before our doomed adventure". 

Legolas slipped his arm around his lover's shoulders. "May you stop speaking of death? That is a concern for the morrow". Namir leant into the warmth and let out a pleased noise as the hand began rubbing circles into the back of his neck. Which ever form he took, the blonde knew how to settle him. 

"We shall feast after you have found some clothes", Eomer commented, causing Aragorn to laugh. Namir frowned at them.

"If we don't feast then I shall shred your clothes", he threatened. 

"Bring it cat", Eomer challenged. Namir bared his teeth and the man bared his teeth right back, both growling playfully. "Elf. Control your beast", Eomer joked. 

Legolas hummed, a playful smile tugging his face. "Have you ever tried to control a cat?" He asked with one raised brow. Still, his point was rendered mute as he dug his fingers into Samir's scalp with enough pressure that it took all the tension from his shoulders. The growing stopped and Namir made a happy rumbling noise as he leaned into the blonde's side. 

Eomer smirked. "It seems you have tricks up your sleeve". 

"Only from years of practise". The look on Legolas' face was a mixture of smug, proud and smitten. Aragorn was chuckling while Gandalf seemed to be ignoring the entire conversation. 

"Maybe you should use those tricks more often. Save us from being scared out of our wits every time Namir sneaks up on us", Gimli grumbled. "Not that it ever happens to you".

"Now where would be the fun in that?"

"Maybe I should try harder?" Namir mused, words slurring drowsily as he sunk more into Legolas' side. 

Aragorn sniggered. "Legolas. Take your lover to get some clothes. Namir and Gimli are right. Lets feast before we ride out". 

Namir made a noise of complaint as the head scratches stopped but let the blonde scoop up his relaxed form in his arms as he carried him from the room. His head resting on a firm shoulder as he began to purr. Legolas did not often carry him like this when there was no need. But the talk of facing death in the morning had made the blonde more touchy. He was scared. Namir was too. He could feel it down their bond. Fear, anxiety, worry, love. The elf did not want to loose him. Neither did the skin-changer. 

"If we die tomorrow", he murmured softly as the elf carried him through the halls of the castle and back towards their guest room. "Then may we die hand in hand". 

"Hand in hand", Legolas promised as he stopped outside their door and set Namir down. The dark-haired male pressed a kiss to the blonde's lips and smiled. 


I have missed my feral cat baby. 

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