No Going Back

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Russetcloud's POV

I yawned, stretching my legs forward and arching my back. My paws grasped cool air as they hung over the yawning cavern. I blinked the sleepiness out of my eyes, sitting up.

During my imprisonment I caught stray bats, and even insects. I gave an inward shudder as the vile taste rose to my throat. However I couldn't be picky seeing as my so called "clanmates" left me here to rot.

I had been thrown into here for treason, I had tried to warn the Clans before it was too late, but the Dark Forest's plan was already in motion. It had begun the moment tremors shook the earth.

LostClan had grown tired of waiting in the old tunnels and staying in the dark. Now that the quake had opened up the passageways leading to the surface, Shadowedstar was going to eliminate the other Clans.

I had managed to warn one member of the Clans, but it was unlikely that they believed me. I had to tell them. If LostClan escaped they would bring back the Dark Forest as well.

A pebble skittered across the stones and tumbled into the abyss. I scrambled to my paws, snapping my head in the direction of the sound.

There stood a small tom, his pale eyes glaring at me. "Well do you want to get out or not," he snarled, stepping forward. I blinked. "Thunderpaw?" I asked narrowing my eyes cautiously. What was he doing here?

The young tom rolled his eyes. "Who else would it be, bat-dung," he meowed his voice dripping with sarcasm. I wrinkled my nose at his attitude. Thunderpaw was one of my fellow apprentices, but we never talked much. He mostly trained with mentor, only taking breaks for meals.

A thought struck me like lightning, was he sent by Shadowedstar to punish me? It sounded like the type of thing that she would do, punish cats when they are in punishment. After all, he was the deputy's son.

I let out a low growl, "What do you want?" He let out an irritated snort. "Didn't I tell you? I'm getting you out."
I blinked in shock, his words sinking in.
"Unless you'd like too stay, of course," he remarked, smirking. I wanted too march over there and claw that smirk off his face.

Trying to recover at least a shred off dignity, I scoffed. "No thanks I'm good." Again the tom rolled his eyes, looking bored. "Now if may ask," I continued, "how exactly do you plan on getting me out?" That stupid smirk was back on his face, and he gave back a simple reply. "The bridge obviously."

At that point I was ready to leap across the chasm and-. My thoughts were interrupted by a loud scraping noise. Thunderpaw was dragging the log bridge, one end pointing across the gap. "When it's close enough I want you to grab the end and steady it!," he called out.

"This a stupid plan," I hissed at the tabby, "I could fall!" He grunted out a hasty reply. "What do you have to lose?" Nothing. I hated how right he was.

When the end reached my perch, I grasped it with my claws and steadied it on the precarious stone. Not sure what to I glanced over to him questioningly. "Walk across it bat-brain!," he hissed, the effort of holding the bridge taxing his strength.

I placed a hesitant step on bridge. When it didn't shift I placed another, tiptoeing across the wood. Suddenly I lurched sideways, digging my claws into the soft wood. Now I sprang forward, knowing the rotten log wouldn't last long. Time slowed and I tried to keep from looking terrified.

My paws were inches from the ledge when I felt the pressure beneath my legs fade. Then I was falling, the log slipping into the chasm. I yowled in terror as I began plummeting to my death. Suddenly I felt something pierce my scruff, gripping tightly. I cried out as the sudden halt tore my skin. I was then pulled upward, landing on cold hard stone.

Warrior Cats: Fate of the Clans-Shattered BordersNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ