Chapter 9: Gotcha!

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Chapter 9: Gotcha!

On Sunday morning, I arrived quite early at the park and waited for everyone. It was a peaceful morning as I could hear the sounds of the birds and leaves swaying with the wind.

I had my backpack and camera with me and felt quite nervous about today's project. It was my first time doing something like this with a group of people, so I wasn't really sure if it would end well or not. I subconsciously arched my back and lowered my head, facing the ground.

I let out a sigh of worry and nervousness. "Will I be able to do well?"

"Of course you will, Watabe-kun," a familiar voice whispered in my ear. I immediately looked to my side and found Ishigaki-senpai's face right in front of me.

"Se-senpai! Yo-you're here," I stammered, shocked by his sudden appearance and how close his face was to mine.

"Good morning, Watabe-kun," he said, backing off a bit and greeting me with a smile.

"Good morning, Ishigaki-senpai," I replied with a light bow.

"You don't need to worry today. Let's just have fun. There's no pressure," he said, tapping my back. I corrected my posture and tried to relax.

"O-okay," I replied, though I was still worried despite Ishigaki-senpai's reassurance. I just couldn't help it.

He took a step back and settled down beside me.

As we waited, more club members arrived, each one greeted with cheerful waves and warm smiles. Soon, our group was complete, and the park seemed to come alive with the buzz of excitement and chatter.

"Alright, everyone," Ishigaki-senpai called out, gathering us in a circle. "Let's start by exploring the park and looking for interesting subjects to photograph. Remember, this is about capturing the beauty of nature, so take your time and enjoy the process."

I nodded along with everyone else, feeling a bit more at ease with his encouraging words. We split into smaller groups, each of us venturing in different directions. I paired up with a fellow club member named Akira, who gave me a reassuring nod as we headed towards a tranquil pond.

The morning light filtered through the trees, casting dappled shadows on the ground. The scene was picturesque, almost like a painting. I adjusted my camera settings, trying to find the perfect angle to capture the serene beauty of the pond.

"Hey, Watabe-san," Akira said, pointing towards a family of ducks swimming gracefully across the water. "That would make a great shot."

I followed his gaze and snapped a few photos, the click of the camera sounding almost rhythmic against the background of rustling leaves and bird songs. "Thanks, Akira," I said, smiling at him. "This place is really amazing."

As we continued our exploration, I began to relax and enjoy the experience. The nervousness I felt earlier was slowly melting away, replaced by a sense of wonder and excitement. We found a variety of subjects to photograph: vibrant flowers, towering trees, and even a curious squirrel that seemed to pose just for us.

In the midst of our exploration, I spotted some birds perched high on a tree branch. Eager to capture the moment, I adjusted my camera settings and focused on the birds. Just as I was about to take the shot, I heard the soft click of another camera nearby.

*click click*

I glanced over and saw Ishigaki-senpai, who had secretly taken a photo of me while I was concentrating on the birds. He quickly lowered his camera and gave me a playful grin.

"Gotcha," he whispered, clearly amused by my reaction.

I felt my cheeks flush with embarrassment. "Senpai, why did you take a photo of me?" I asked, feeling self-conscious.

I woke up as Ichirou Watabe, a side Character.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora