Chapter 10: The Bear arrived

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Chapter 10: The Bear arrived.

A week later, it was the day that my first club project would be published. I was nervously walking through the hallway on my way to my classroom, my heart pounding with anticipation.

I passed by the school's bulletin board and saw the publication posted by the photography club.

I stopped in my tracks, taking a deep breath before stepping closer to the board. The display was beautifully arranged, with photos showcasing the beauty of nature in all its glory. Each image told a unique story, capturing the essence of the park we had visited.

My eyes scanned the photos, recognizing some of the shots I had taken. A sense of pride welled up inside me as I saw my work on display for everyone to see. But then, something unexpected caught my eye—a photo of me.

It was the picture Ishigaki-senpai had taken while I was photographing the birds. 

In the photo, I was standing under the sunlight, my face filled with enthusiasm and concentration. The light filtering through the trees cast a warm glow, highlighting my focus and dedication.

I felt my cheeks heat up as I realized that Ishigaki-senpai had used my picture as the subject for nature. It was both flattering and embarrassing to see myself on display like that. The caption beneath the photo read:

"Capturing the Capturer: Enthusiasm Under the Sunlight"

I couldn't help but smile, despite my embarrassment. Ishigaki-senpai had managed to highlight not just the beauty of the park, but also the joy and passion of capturing those moments. I took a moment to appreciate the photo, feeling a mix of pride and gratitude.

As I stood there, a few students gathered around the bulletin board, murmuring appreciatively about the photos. I overheard some of their comments:

"Wow, these pictures are amazing!"

"Look at that one! The lighting is perfect."

"Hey, isn't that Watabe from our class?"

Hearing my name, I felt a wave of nervousness wash over me again. I quickly made my way to the classroom, hoping to avoid any further attention. As I entered, the chatter of my classmates filled the room, but my mind was still buzzing with thoughts of the publication.

I took my seat, trying to focus on the day's lessons. However, my thoughts kept drifting back to the bulletin board and the photo of me. 

The teacher soon arrived, calling the class to order. She cleared her throat and smiled at us. "Good morning, everyone. Before we begin today's lesson, I have an announcement to make. We will be welcoming a new classmate today."

The room fell silent as we all turned our attention to the teacher. She gestured towards the door, and a moment later, a new student walked in. He looked around the room, his expression a mix of curiosity and determination.

The new student was tall and broad-shouldered, with a build that was almost bear-like. His greenish ash brown hair was neatly trimmed, with short bangs that slightly covered his forehead. He wore glasses, which added a touch of gentleness to his otherwise intimidating appearance. Despite his gentle eyes, his imposing stature cast a shadow of intimidation across the room.

"Everyone, please welcome our new classmate," the teacher said. "Please introduce yourself."

The new student stepped forward, giving us a small, tight-lipped frown. "Hello, my name is Yukihiro Sato. I'm 17 years old. I recently transferred here from a province. I hope we can get along."

There was a murmur of response, but it was clear that his dominating presence made everyone a bit uneasy. Yukihiro's size and quiet demeanor gave off an aura that was hard to ignore, and I could feel a knot of anxiety tighten in my stomach.

I woke up as Ichirou Watabe, a side Character.Where stories live. Discover now