Chapter 14: Parenting Time

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Mario was sitting in the living room watching some tv, completly unaware of his surroundings. Suddenly, Melony emerges from their room.

Melony: "M-Mario...". She has a worried voice and expression.

Mario: "Yes Melony?".

Melony: "C-Can you come here for a moment?". Melony's Voice is strange.

Mario: "Of course I can!". Mario gets up and happily enters the room.

Mario: "So what do you have to tell me?".

Melony: "Here...". Melony handles Mario a small device with the number 36 on the screen.

Mario: "36? I don't get It...".

Melony: "M-Mario, I-im pregnant...". Says Melony with a worried voice.

Mario: "WITH 36 BABIES!?". Mario is in panic.

Melony: "Y-yes..."

Mario: "God, what im gonna do! I knew we should have waited until marriage!". Mario is hysterical.

Mario: "I don't even have a job! Im doomed!".

Melony: "Calm down Mario!". She hugs Mario.

Melony: "Everything will be fine, I p-promise...". She tries to motivate Mario a bit.

After some minutes Mario takes a big breath and speak up.

Mario: "Y-Yeah, I bet we can do a decent job as p-parents!". Mario has bit more hope now.

Mario: "How about we take a small walk outside to relax and ask another parents about their experience? I think this will help us a bit".

Melony: "That doens't seems a bad idea at all...".

Mario and Melony leave their apartament apartament holding hands, while Axol.Jr watch them with a not so friendly face.

After a long stroll followed by a calm conversation, Mario and Melony reach Bowser's Castle. As Mario remembered It was big and intimidating, which didn't match with Bowser's friendly and goofy personality.

As they enter the castle they are greeted by Bowser.

Bowser: "Oh hi guys!". Says Bowser while munching some nuggets in his mouth.

Melony: "Hi!". She waves back.

Mario: "Hi Bowser! We came here for some pareting tips do you have something useful for us? You seems to be a good parent".

Bowser: "Tips Huh?". Bowser thinks for a while, while the Koopa Kids destroys everything in the back ground.

Bowser: "Well, if you want to be a great parent you must spoil you kids as much as you can! That way you won't have any problem with them and they would be always satisfied!". Melony seems to really doubt Bowser advice but Mario seems fine with it.

Mario: "hmmmm, interesting...". Mario takes some notes.

Melony: "Do you have anything more
... You know? Decent?".

Bowser: "Well, you can also feed them some nuggets! In cas-". Melony ignores Bowser's advice and leaves his Castle taking Mario with her.

Bowser: "Wait, where are you guys going?".

Outside Melony speaks up.

Melony: "So how about we visit someone more experienced with kids? Like Karen."

Mario: "Oh, but I liked Bowser Tips!".

Melony: "We can talk with him later, but im sure Karen gonna help us alot!".

Mario: "Okay then!".

After a short walk Mario and Melony reaches Karen home, Melony press the doorbell and patiently wait for Karen to open it.

After a while Karen opens It.

Mario: "Hello!". Mario gives a friendly wave but as soon Karen saw Mario's face she closed the door almost automatically.

Mario knocks on the door, Karen doens't answer as expected.

Melony: "Hey Karen can you please open the door? We need some help!".

After some time Karen opens the door.

Karen: "Okay fine! But I won't allowed that fat idiot to enter!". Both Mario and Melony dind't liked Karen insult but they decided to follow her decision.

Melony: "Okay I will enter and you will stay here waiting right Mario?".

Mario: "*sigh* Fine...".

Mario and Melony give each other a kiss before Melony enters Karen house much for her disgust.

Karen: "So what are you here for? Be quick...".

Melony: "So me and Mario will be parents soon and we are looking for some tips that might help us".

Karen: "Okay first of all DON'T have kids, but It seems like you already failed this step so all that I have to offer is this...". Karen handles Melony a big list.

Melony: "What is this?". Melony is confused.

Karen: "It's a list of everything you two will need, now get out".

Melony: "But we didn't eve-". Before Melony could even finish her sentence Karen kicked her out of the house. Outside she finds Mario.

Mario: "So how did It went?".

Melony: "Not that good but hey! She gave my this list!".

Mario: "Let me see... WHAT THE-". It's a list with a total of 500 items.

Mario:  "We need to buy all of that?".

Melony: "I guess so...".

Mario: "Mama Mia...". Mario Grabs his phone.

Mario: "Luigi I will need 7.300$!".


After hours browsing through the store Mario and Melony leave the store with the cart full of random baby things.

Melony: "Glad we got everything!".

Mario: "Yeah, but man my legs hurts...".

Melony: "Don't worry we will reach home soon, there we will plenty of time to relax!".

Suddenly Meggy approaches Mario and Melony.

Meggy: "Hey guys! What are all of those things for?".

Mario: "Oh hi Melony! It's for the baby!".

Meggy: "Im sorry baby?".

Melony: "Yeah, actually babies, Im pregnant and we will have 36 babies!".

Meggy: "WHAT! Melony are you sure you are pregnant?". Meggy is confused, she can't believe this is true.

Melony: "Yeah this device told me early this morning!".

Meggy: "Let me see It." Melony handles the device to Meggy.

Meggy: "You idiots, this is a thermometer, you aren't pregnant...". Mario and Melony stay silent for a while.

Melony: "Wait really?".

Mario: "*Phew* Mario thought he would need to care of 36 Mario.Jrs.". Mario and Melony are really relieved.

Meggy: "Don't worry,you guys are fine, but what you gonna with all of that stuff?".

Mario thinks for a while...

Mario: "I have an idea!".


Bob: "Step right up! Step right up and spend all of your money in this super easy and totally not a scam game to win incredible prizes!".

The day ends as Mario and Bob high fives as a long line of random people slowly approaches their totally "legal" business.

Mario was happy he didn't need to raise 36 kids, but at the end of the day, he thought It might be fun raise at least one in the future with Melony, of course they already Axol.Jr but maybe having a little human being running around would be fun.

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