Haha.... We're in Danger (Chapter 2)

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Erick's POV

I was woken from my peacful dream to a panicking Courtney, I noticed that she was all prepared to leave. 

"Get UP, they are here so hurry!" She shouted only loud enough for me to hear. 

Upon hearing that They are here I sat up fast hurting myself in the process. Courtney helped me up and I grabbed my bagpack, before leaving she shoved a piece of toast in my mouth and we ran out. Not long before a explosion happend behind us, I looked back and saw a big ass tank. Nah, how did they find out where we were, that doesn't matter we better get our ass going orelse we are in terrible danger. 

"Keep runing and don't stop!" I yelled to Courtney

"That  is what I am doing and stop chouting they are going to hear you!' She said 

I heard a bullet wizz past my ear, yeah they heard me. We both ran for our lives not wanting to get shot. My shoulder still hurts like hell, and my stamina is low.  We kept turning and moving around, we were then at the center of split road. In front of us was a tank it's cannon aimed at us, to our right and left were foot soldiers behind us was the same military truck. 

"EINFRIEREN!" one of them shouted

Me personily only know French, Polish, and English so I have no clue to what they yelled at us. If I have to guess they are saying stop. I placed my hand on the back of my head and Courtney followed my lead and did the same. I heard their boots stomping closer to us, aiming their gun at us incase we try to pul something. I looked at Courtney and she looked at me, I mouthed a 'sorry' as I felt strong hands hit my shoulders. I let out a small hiss since they hit my wounded shoulder as I was being dragged away by them, I was pinned at the truck  they searched me or any thing that is a weapon. Courtney was also being treated the same way, harsly pinned beside me. They searched our backpacks which was thankfuly empty, expect for Courtney's simce Chocolate was in hers. They let us keep them since they though it was usless, I thanked the witch that put the spell on me so that anything I put in the backpack either it's a whole machine gun it would be empty when someone else touchs it. I don't recall the witch ever putting any spells on Courtney though, it's as if she was born with those amazing skills.

"Hinauf." one of the soldiers commanded. 

"I-I-I don't understand." I shakely said

"UP!" he shouted at my face, two soldiers opend the trunk doors and I saw about 14 or so British and French soldiers.

Their uniforms are very different so it wasn't really hard to tell the difference between the two. The truck was tall so unlike these soliders who just took one step to get on, I struggled alot since I am not as tall as the others. After another failed attempt to get on, I felt someone lift me up to the truck. They also did the same to Courtney, there wasn't much room for us to sit down since all the seats were taken. Once the doors of the truck closed shut the room was dark, only light source were from the holes of the truck. Suddenly the car shook knocking both me and Courtney down to the ground, I hit my damaged shoulder on the hard floor and it's painful. 

"Those bloody, good for nothing jerrys are blind, can't they see there are just childerens?" I heard one of the soldiers in here spat out insults in a heavy British accent. 

"Whats your name son?" asked another

I couldn't tell who said what since they litterally look the same to me, grey, wearing uniforms and helmets, blank eyes and flags on there cheeks. 

"Erick, my name is Erick." I silently said and stood next to Courtney who is curled up into a ball. 

 "Erick who?" asked the same heavy British voice. 

Endless Grief  |Book 2| ❤(Countryhumans) ❤Where stories live. Discover now