Chapter 13: Quidditch Try Outs

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Oh how Bambi had waited for the moment to play the real game- Not just some kiddie version on teensy twiggy broomsticks with no risk of being pelted with a real bludger.

She stood on the huge quidditch field in a cluster of other Gryffindor students, the tall golden hoops towering what felt like miles above their heads. The stands looked ominously spacious and intimidating when empty. Bambi looked at them longingly, imagining in her mind what they would look like with the whole school cheering for her on her broom.

"First years are not permitted to be on the house team- Clear out!" A brown haired fifth year boy- The supposed team captain, yelled as soon as he walked out onto the field in front of them.

Next to Bambi, a few younger first years who had snuck into the group scattered, all grumbling as they walked back toward the castle.

The burly team captain's eyes fell on Bambi, as if, somewhat impatiently, waiting for her to leave.

Bambi looked around herself, thinking maybe there was another first year hidden in the group. She spotted the Harry Potter boy, then nodded, going to tap him on his shoulder to let him know but-

"Not him, you. We want to get on with practice,"

"I'm not a first year," Bambi called back with a notable hint of annoyance, her eyebrows knitting together. It seemed she was being called out as a "First Year" more often than she thought she would.

"We can vouch for her!" The Weasley twins, who were late like they were to many things, Bambi found out, ran onto the field and joined the few students who were already wearing official team uniforms.

"Very well!" He called, pacing in front of the group, looking everyone up and down, "Welcome to Quidditch try outs. I'm Oliver Wood, and I'm your team captain. Well, if you make the team that is," He smiled, having an excited animatedness to his voice. His brown eyes sparkled as he spoke about Quidditch, the same way, Bambi thought, her father's eyes sparkled when he found a "new old" magical rock to study.

"I'd like everyone who has an already confirmed spot to come over here, and stand behind me," Oliver instructed, motioning the students wearing the Quidditch uniforms.

Fred and George Weasley and little first year Harry Potter went to stand behind Oliver, their scarlet capes blowing in the crisp fall air.

"As you can see, we have unfortunately lost all of our Chasers at the end of last year," Oliver's eyes fell to the ground sadly.

"You'd think they'd died, not graduated by the way he speaks," Whispered Angelina, who laughed quietly.

"They were great men and women, great players," Oliver nodded proudly, "We already have our Beater, Keeper, and Seeker positions filled." He emphasized, pointing to the twins, himself, then Harry as he spoke. A few students grumbled and walked off the field. "Because of that, our only open position will be for Chasers. As many of you may know-"

"Hold on Oliver, but your Seeker seems a tad bit baby-faced," Called a tall seventh year boy who stood a few people away from Bambi. "When you first advertised Quidditch openings I remember reading that Seeker was up for grabs,"

"Yeah," Echoed a few others.

Oliver put his hands up to quiet everyone, "Potter here has excellent aim, hence why we are making an exception for him to be on the team,"

Bambi heard a few other jealous students grumbling something about "First years" as they also walked off the pit, apparently also wanting a chance to be Seeker.

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