|seventy eight|

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Unrelated to HSH but last night, I made this for my Instagram for my reel about MMIM. I thought I to share it with you guys here as well. How is it?

The news of Unaiza coming back to life brought a life in the real sense in their house. Everyone was so happy. And Huzaifa couldn't even believe on his own hearing. He got his Unaiza back after so many hurdles and difficulties. Seven months was a lot of duration and he bear her separation for this much time. He was an impatient man but he waited for her, unlike his habit and personality. He hid this bit of love and feelings for her in his heart alone because she wasn't here to listen to him. However not anymore. Unaiza was here to hear and feel Huzaifa's growing and intense love for her.

Once the doctors announced that Unaiza could meet anyone, Huzaifa was as usual the first one to reach the room where she had been shifted. Holding a beautiful bouquet of red, pink, and white roses, he entered inside. His gaze moved directly over to the one for whom he came here. A wave of satisfaction made its way inside his whole body as his eyes delighted at her sight. It wasn't as if he was seeing her after a long time in a while. It was because she had a hope of life in her right now which had the same urge to him as well.

A promise of a lifetime. A chance to love her and make her his special one for forever. An opportunity to drown himself in her selfless and innocent love and reciprocate the same too. A wish to live a happy and blissful life ahead with her. There were so many small longings that would see their come true effect starting from now on. The wounds that were oozing just a few hours ago got dressed up as soon as he heard the news that his Unaiza was back to him.

She was lying on the bed, flat, still with many needles pricking through her skin. Her eyes were closed but he could see her chest slightly going up and down with every breath she was taking. He took swift steps towards her bed. A flicker of movement occurred in Unaiza's body and then she opened her eyes. Huzaifa remained frozen in his position at the view of her innocent brown eyes. After how many months did he see her eyes? They were as pure as before. She had many dark circles, her hair was disheveled and her body felt weak.

I think so I am crazy because who could recognize a person just by the way they walk? But I did. I recognized Huzaifa by the way his footsteps sounded. He walked confidently, gracefully, and with a composure. That was the same thing ever present in the clicks of his footsteps. I didn't know the exact moment when I fell for Huzaifa. But I loved this feeling of love that embraced me.

A paragraph from her diary recalled in his mind and now instead of feeling miserable as he had been for seven months, he got a sense of relief. He was one of those lucky people who were loved so purely, selflessly and innocently by someone. He got the companionship of the same woman who loved him so dearly.

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