Chapter 5

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saturday night

"mmh-" the insult i was about to throw at minho gets cut off as he shoves me against his door for a kiss.

we had just entered his room, and he was acting a bit off, so naturally I asked him about it. if he was okay, and stuff I guess.

he didn't bother to reply. i guess actions speak louder than words?

I wrap my arms around his neck, kissing back. it feels warm and fuzzy and I have trouble thinking straight. he squeezes me around my waist. I make a satisfied noise into the gentle kiss.

we pull away for a second, just to catch our breaths. I open my eyes slowly, staring into his glossy eyes. we're both panting. his pink lips are beautifully parted. I want to say something but I can't bring myself to.

he leans in again. I shut my eyes. tight.

a minute or two into the quickly turned intense kiss we're stumbling into his bed. he guides me with ease. I don't even have time to think about how hot that is. he shoves me onto his bed.

"jisung," he breathes, "what the fuck?"

I shake my head, grabbing his collar and pulling his lips to mine.

he stops himself when his lips are just inches from mine, and I feel his hot breath on my face. then he closes the distance between us.

people talk about life changing moments in their life. breaking their arm, getting into their dream college, winning first place in the spelling bee.

my life changing moment is kissing minho lee.

at probably around 10.25 pm at night. his birthday time. god, everything about minho had me enraptured.

he began tugging on my shirt, pulling it off of me. "jisung, jisung." he kept saying my name.



we wake up on his bed. I feel like shit, but I feel amazing.

i turn to my side to see minho is staring at me too. "hey," he whispers.

i smile softly at him. he smiles back. "so should we date now? because…"

I nod slowly. "yeah this is probably a point in our relationship where we should date. like, be boyfriends and stuff."

he reaches one arm out of the blanket to tousle my hair. his arm is bare and muscular and I have to avert my gaze from it.

"okay, so what should I call you? darling, babe, baby, sweetheart, honey, love, or beautiful?"

I hum softly, pretending to think as I scoot closer to my boyfriend. "preferably all of them perhaps at once?"

he rolls his eyes with a little laugh, tucking my head into his neck. "alright, buddy."

"not that one."

"make me stop."

"i'll break up with you."

"like hell you will."


"jisung, you're terrible at this dancing shit," a guy whines, "you are not doing any of it right."

I frown, staring at my new dance partner. "I know," I say, stomach churning."I'm sorry. I'm really trying I-"

he cuts me off, "well I can't tell that you're fucking trying because it looks like a toddler dancing."

I look down, my sneakers are dirty and my shoelaces are untied. "I'll- um.. you can parter with someone else," I squeak out, feeling a little ashamed. he could be a little nicer about it.

"I would if your fucking boyfriend wouldn't do some dumb shit like kick me out for hurting your teeny wittle feelings-" he stops his sentence abruptly and stares at someone behind me.

hes… right behind me isn't he! heh!

"I'd kick you out for being a bitch not for unpartnering with jisung," minho says, "I wanted to partner with him until you scooped him up actually. you'd probably get bonus points for leaving him alone."

the boy blinks slowly at minho, then shoots me a nasty glare. the previously chatty room slows to a complete, terrifying silence.

"minho," I murmur. "it's fine, you don't need to-"

he cuts me off, "and I don't know why you're talking shit about jisung's dancing when yours could absolutely use some work. I've never seen someone so undertalented and overconfident at the same time, and I coach high schoolers."

I look down, face flushing in embarrassment. minho's helping to some extent. but he's not helping.

someone in the crowd speaks up. "kick him out minho!"

minho wraps his arms around me from the back in a comfortable embrace. "I won't be kicking anyone out, cause jisungie always lectures me about it when I do. we will be swapping partners though. have fun with changbin," minho informs the boy in front of us, who glances at the nearest exit in panic.

I don't get the pleasure of seeing what he does, or rather what changbin does to him, because minho drags me away to the staff room, grabbing my bag and taking it with us too.

once the door shuts behind us, minho turns to me immediately, crossing his arms and staring at me.

"what?" I ask, looking blankly at him.

"isn't there something you want to do, jisung han? after I just did all of that?"

the corners of his lips twitch up. fuck him. "I don't think so, no," I snatch my bag out of his hands. or I attempt to. he keeps his grip tight. my bag doesn't budge.

"jisung," he whispers, tugging on the bag, pulling me in with it. "is there something you really should do?"

I snort, letting go of the bag and grabbing minho's shirt instead. "fine then, thirsty motherfucker."

I press my lips hard against his, squeezing my eyes shut. I feel him smile into our kiss. I try my best to not laugh as our teeth clink together. he pulls away, eyes squinty with happiness.

"you're cute, jisung," he says, touching our noses together. I crinkle my nose.

"try again."

he rolls his eyes at me, but his smile doesn't fade one bit. "you're cute, baby," he amends. I smile in satisfaction.

"I know, honey."

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