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The next morning, Jimin got into the car that awaited him outside of Jin's mansion to go back to his own. He waved at everyone who stood outside.

"Take good care of yourself, Yoongi hyung," he said.

Yoongi nodded, a rare smile touching his lips. "You too, Jimin. Take care of your health."

Jin stepped forward, waving as well. "Don't worry, Jimin-ah. I'm here with him."

Jimin smiled warmly. "Well, then I don't need to worry at all," he replied.

Tae then told him, "Jimin, I won't be able to go to the company for a while. Please take care of the pending work before I arrive."

Jimin nodded. "Don't worry, Tae. I'll handle everything."

As he settled into his seat, he noticed Jungkook standing beside Taehyung, partially hiding behind him. Tae gently nudged the younger forward, whispering, "Say goodbye to Jimin."

Jimin caught it and smiled softly. The maknae hesitated for a moment before meeting his eyes. His cheeks flushed as he shyly waved.

Jimin's eyes crinkled with a smile as he waved back. "Bye, Jungkook. Take care."

With that, the car finally pulled away, leaving the mansion behind.

Jimin exhaled softly, touching his chest where his heart was beating fast. He shook his head, feeling his face heat up from the recent exchange. He then pulled out his phone and started scrolling through social media, trying to calm his racing thoughts. He tried to distract himself, not wanting to think about the duo - Taehyung and Jungkook all the time.

Meanwhile, the trio - Jin, Yoongi, and Taehyung - were ready to head to the college. They stood outside the mansion, backpacks slung over their shoulders, waving goodbye to the maknae.

"Don't forget to make me some strawberry cupcakes for snacks," Taehyung reminded him with a smile.

Jungkook nodded, returning their wave with a small smile. "Got it. See you all later."

As the three of them walked to the bus stop, Yoongi glanced at Taehyung. "Strawberry cupcakes again? You really are predictable. Didn't you have them just yesterday?"

Taehyung grinned. "Hey, they're my favorite. Plus, Jungkook makes them the best!"

Jin chuckled. "Well, let's just hope today goes as smoothly as those cupcakes. No more fights, remember?"

Yoongi rolled his eyes while Tae laughed and went ahead on the road, walking cheerfully and occasionally humming to himself. The two elders lagged slightly behind, being two grandpas who don't have the energy to walk as quickly as the younger.

Jin then leaned closer to Yoongi, whispering, "Do you think Jungkook might have told him? You know, about Jimin?"

Yoongi glanced at him, shaking his head. "Who knows? Even if he did spill the beans, it's strange that your brother is so calm and hasn't mentioned anything about it. I was expecting some sort of reaction. Maybe he's just good at hiding his feelings."

Jin shrugged. "Or maybe he hasn't processed it yet. He can be a bit slow on the uptake when it comes to things like this." He chuckled before continuing, "Well, let's hope it doesn't turn into a bigger issue. The last thing we need is more drama."

Yoongi sighed as he nodded. "Yeah, we have enough on our plate as it is."

They both glanced at Taehyung, who was now jumping a bit as he walked, clearly enjoying the morning. Jin couldn't help but smile at his cheerful aura. "Well, at least he's in a good mood."

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