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It took two and a half months to get Mr Watson convicted.

There was a trial, and an investigation, and a look into his background. And Sadie had to stand up on the witness stand in court, swear to tell the truth, and recount the story to the judge, before they finally announced that he was fucking guilty.

But Liam was there, in court. And Mike, and Gina, and even Tracy. Johnny and Tee weren't, but Sadie didn't want them to be.

Anyway, now he was out of her life, Sadie felt like she could finally breathe again, and was now focusing on new things. Such as the camping trip in the country Mike had organised that weekend.

They had got there and pitched the tents an hour ago, and now were getting into teams by picking slips out a hat.

Sadie got her slip quickly, opening it up to see team A written on it.

"A?" Liam asked her, as he got his slip.

"Yeah," Sadie nodded, as Liam grinned, showing her his. It said team A, too.

She smiled up at him, as Mike called. "Team A, over here please!"

"And Team B with me!" Gina added.

Sadie smiled to Liam, both of them going to Mike's side and finding Johnny, Sapphire, Gus and Lily. Meaning Team A was Elektra, Carmen, Tee, Frank, Toby, Harry and Tracy.

"Okay, listen up guys!" Mike called around for everyone to be silent. "Today is all about team building. Learning how to work together in the beautiful countryside."

There was a murmur of annoyance ad Elektra hissed to Mike. "This is really unfair, we've got all the little kids on our team, I mean, we've got Harry! He's gonna slow us down!"

Mike sighed. "Look, we split you into groups because that way it would be easier to keep an eye on you. It's not a competition!"

"Lucky for you," scoffed Sadie. "Because if it was, you'd lose."

"You'd lose," Elektra snapped back.

And of course, this set off a whole train of yelling from both sides, over who was the best and who was going to win. Even though it 'wasn't a competition.'

Finally, amidst all the yelling, Gina bellowed. "QUIET!"

As everyone stopped, Sadie rolled her eyes.

"Alright, no need to shout."


Soon enough, an obstacle course had been set up, with nets and climbing ropes and everything. The teams were to complete the challenge together, with 'no one being left behind'.

Yeah, like that was gonna happen.

"Alright, are you lot ready?" Mike grinned, taking Liam's phone, which he was playing a game on.

"Oi, I was on level nine!"

"Right, there will be no mobile phones used today!" Mike announced. "Just you versus nature, come on, give them all up!"

Everyone groaned as Mike took his hat off, depositing Liam's phone in it before going round, getting everyone else's.

Sadie was second to put her phone in, and she smiled at what she saw. Liam's phone was on, and the lockscreen was a picture of Sadie asleep wearing his hoodie, her head rested on his chest.

𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐘 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 ꨄ︎  𝐒𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐓𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐨𝐫 (Tracy Beaker Returns)Where stories live. Discover now