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I got down from the car with the help of Jeremiah holding my hand. I smiled at him to show my appreciation and he equally smiled back. We entered into the restaurant and it was very posh. The place was a perfect place to enjoy good food alongside a dazzling sunset. It had a great décor and the atmosphere was everything with soft lighting, comfortable seats and a soft background music.

Jeremiah led me to a reserved table which he said he booked on his way to my house. He pulled a chair for me to have a seat. We ordered for our food after the waiter handed the menu to us. I was lost in my thought while my focus was on the atmosphere I was in till I heard someone mentioning my name. I turned around to look at the person and it was Jay, the guy I dated way back in high school. I broke up with him after dating him for about a month and dated his friend when I realized his friend was more handsome than him. I left him and dated our new teacher after I got enough of him. they both made it their mission to destroy me in school but I was too tough for them to handle.

'oh I thought it wasn't you when I saw you from a far' he said as soon as he stepped closer to me. he looked at me before he faced Jeremiah with a smile

'hello, I'm Jay, friend of your girl I mean her ex' he brought out his hand to shake Jeremiah but he politely decline. Why will he even say that, he has always been a dick and that didn't change about him. Was it necessary to talk about what I had with him in the past? I asked myself.

Before I could gather the courage and ask him to excuse us, Jeremiah spoke up

'She is not my girl yet, I'm now trying to win her over' he smiled at me

'I thank heavens you guys didn't end up together anyways, she deserves someone matured enough' he continued

' hey Jay can you leave right now please, it was nice meeting you again but please excuse us' I intervened before Jay could even get the chance to talk

He laughed at us and left without a word. I thought the drama had ended when he left, God not being on my side, he came back again and faced Jeremiah looking all pissed

'Let me tell you something gentleman' he said and my heart skipped a beat not knowing what will follow up

' you are her next victim, she will just use and dump you when she is done with you' he laughed

I couldn't bring myself to stop what he was saying because truth to be told whatever he was saying was the truth.

'Don't think she will settle down for you, if you are lucky enough she might date you for a mouth if not remember that you will lose her after she get enough of you'

'oh before I leave, let me give you this last advice, don't trust this bitch' he laughed at what he said and walked away

I stopped Jeremiah when he tried to hit him. I didn't want us to cause a scene. I assured him that I was okay so he shouldn't worry about what he said. He nodded in response and looked at me but before he could say anything, the waiter brought our food.

The food was so delicious that I wanted to finish the whole plate, I lost my appetite when a call came through. It was from Derrick, I ignored since I didn't want to spoil my day with another drama too. The call came through again which made Jeremiah look at me

' wont you answer, maybe is important' he said

' oh naa is a delivery guy, I'm sure he is calling to let me know that my things has arrived, I lied

'I will call him later' he bought my lie and continued with his food

before I could put my phone away, Derrick texted me saying he misses me and he will be coming to see my mom and I tomorrow

'OMG' I gasped for air when I saw the message

Jeremiah quickly handed me a glass of water and asked if everything was okay with me

I drunk the water to calm myself down before I looked at him with a smile

'don't worry everything is okay' I responded

'is just related to work issue' I lied

'oh I see, is everything alright there' he asked

' yes please, I just need to go and sought somethings out' I replied him

He looked at me and smiled. I replied Derrick back and asked him not to come because I've already booked a plane ticket and I will be coming back this evening.

'No problem love, I will be waiting for you' he replied me

'how did he even get to know my whereabout' I cursed

'can I spend the whole day with you' I asked Jeremiah

' yh why not' he replied

' I will be leaving tonight' I said

' I need to go and sought somethings out tomorrow at work' I told him

'oh so soon' his smile dropped

We talked for sometime before we left the restaurant. He took me to the beachside for us to spend sometime there. We talked about random staffs and he told me about his childhood days and what so ever which I wasn't really interested in. I only wanted to grab him and kiss him so passionately. I just wanted to have a taste of him and go because after tonight he wont see me ever again. just like what Jay said, I will be done with him before he know it.

After his many talk, I got to know he was a doctor and also a businessman. he owned lot of companies in the country and he was his mother's only son and child. His father divorced his mom when he was just 10 years of age. His father got custody over him because his mom was a drug addict at that time. That was the main reason why they had to be separated since his dad thought his mom was a disgrace to their family. He went ahead and married his secretary who later left him and transferred all his properties into her name. She was later arrested and all the properties where transferred into his name. He helped his mom to put away with drugs for good. The sad part is he lost his father to cancer 6 years ago after everything, the caused of his cancer was drugs. He was so addicted to drugs which helped him sleep. He had no idea about that until the doctor declared the cause of his cancer.

I looked at him with a sorrowful face to assure him that I understood whatever happened to him. He looked at me with his deep brown eyes and perfect lips which took my breath away.

'Ash, I don't know how to say or even express my feelings to you' he said

'I wish you will give me the chance to change your name from Miss to Mrs' he continued

'What do you mean' I stammered

Not another proposal, I thought most guys will like to sleep with ladies and leave them. In my case, I end up leaving them. Should it always be marriage? Should he think about spending his life with me too. I already have Derrick which I want to get away from and now Jeremiah.

'I want to spend every last breath I have left with you Ashly' he said

I looked at him without knowing what to say. He is handsome, rich and gentle but I'm not ready to settle down with anyone. I wish I could explain it to him but I wasn't ready to lose him right now. I will be ready to let him go after a night stand with him.

I smiled at what he said but couldn't say anything to assure him that I was willing to take that road with him forever.

' can I kiss you please?' he asked me

I nodded in response and before I could adjust myself, his lips touched mine. it was really soft just like how imagined it to me. I gave myself away and he deepened the kiss. We broke the kiss to catch our breath when someone knocked on the door glass.

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