(10) "News"

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Stay for a quick A/N at end of the chapter
Gwen and Hobie began to listen to the nurse had to say about the state of Mile's condition.
"We had removed the blade from Miles's body and determined it had barely sliced the liver.The nurse began
Gwen felt something in her body shift like she was anticipating some bad news was coming.
The nurse continued by saying "due to the size and length of the blade and the fact that the blade went through his body Miles has lost a lot of blood. Hobie wrapped a reassuring arm around Gwen as the nurse paused for a second
Gwen heart dropped at the sound of the news since Miles was her best friend and maybe something more.
"But" the nurse started up again "I have some good news"
"Please tell us"Gwen said in a hurry
"Miles is a very strong fighter and there is a very good chance that he will live"The nurse said reassuringly
"That's great Miles is Going to live"Gwen cheered Happily
"Yeah but there is only one question I have is how his spider manin going to be effected Hobie asked
The nurse's tone changed by dropping
"I was just about to get to that"the nurse started again "The extent to Miles's injuries require him to take a very long break from any Spider man related activities"
"I see"Gwen said her tone dropping again
"When will he be awake"Gwen asked
"Honestly I do not no I just know he is going to wake up so until then y'all can leave and do something or y'all can stay"the nurse said.
"I'm staying"Gwen said adamantly
"No the hell you are not"Miguel said walking up
"What do you mean I'm not"Gwen said confused by Miguel's words
"I need everyone to figure out where Peter's bitch ass  is and  where the fuck Spot is"Miguel said sternly
Before Gwen could say anything Hobie speaks up
"Listen big bruva Miguel let Gwen stay with her little boyfriend little bruva Miles might want to see a friendly face better face than his little girlfriend" Hobie said wrapping his arm around Miguel
Gwen looks a Hobie with a thankful smile "but he's not my boyfriend Hobie" she then corrected
"My fault bruv"he said " her sex toy" Hobie corrected himself
Miguel growing clearly irritated holds his hands up
"Alright both of y'all stay here and wait for Miles to wake up"Miguel said then walks out of the hospital
Gwen and Hobie sat back in the waiting area Gwen felt a sense of hope that Miles will wake up.
Sorry for the short chapter but the way I want the story goes requires it
A/N basically School been kicking a brotha ass but now It's summer so now I'm going to lock in on
-This Book
-An Avatar the Last airbender one
-Most likely a Legend of Korra AU
-Maybe a Hajime no Ippo one
-Maybe something else

See you soon

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