Chapter 1: Fascination

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I don't recall much about my dad what sticks with me the most are what the things my mom used to say about him when he left.

"Your father is a fucking low life"

"I should get that motherfucker to pay for child support"

"Don't you ever turn out like him"

It's all i ever heard when i was 8 while she was cooking dinner and i was doing maths homework at the table. She obviously underestimated how much I could understand but I realised back then that my mom is quite a character.

10 years later and i'm now 18 moving with my mother to go stay at her girlfriend's cottage in Washington. The reason why we're moving ? My mum wants to be closer to Rachel, her girlfriend.
It's quite a serious relationship i guess.
I'm quite a simple guy i can take care of myself and i would say I'm just your average good looking guy. Blonde wavy hair, faded green with dull blue coloured eyes and quite skinny, god my posture is horrible.

"Listen here kiddo I don't want any of that tough kid, treat the new stepmom like shit trope" mum says bluntly as she turns the truck off with her key looking at me as she messes my hair up.
"Stepmom ?" I say squinting my eyes at her as the sun from the car window hits my face.

"You know what i got a fresh start here don't waste it on unnecessary emotions okay ?" She says pinching my nose. She takes the car key out and opens the door.
This is it.....finally ditched my life in Portland for a life here that I'm not even sure i belong in. Grabbing the baseball cap I bought with me, I put it on and get out the car as well, hearing my mum greet her girlfriend with kisses and hugs. I look at the huge cottage and I've never seen anything like it. It got vines going up the walls on the outside and really huge windows. Nothing like what it was in Portland.

My stare goes towards Rachel as she says hi to me, waving back at her and giving a pretty dead smile before going to the boot of the car and taking out my luggage.
"Don't you worry about that Thomas will come help....." Rachel says as she walks up to me.
"My god you've gone so skinny" she says. I don't know if I should take that as a compliment or not but either way "is that a bad thing ?" I ask as I pull up the luggage handle when suddenly a tall male figure pushes the main door open walking towards me. He got black wavy hair but not too curly just enough where it doesn't ruin his curtains. His eyes staring at me as he scratches the side of his well sculpted face.

I look down to his clothes as his wearing a pair of denim baggy jorts and a well fitted dark red t-shirt. "Quite the observer huh?" He says to me snapping me out of my trance, not noticing him standing right in front of me. "Uh- " I stutter before he laughs, his laugh turning into a smile as he grabs my luggage from my hand "I'll take u to our room" he adds on before leading the way....

"You boys settle in i'm gonna take your mom to the town centre for a bit" Rachel says to us as she turns her focus back onto mom.

Following Thomas into the house i realise how beautiful it is inside as well. Grandfather clocks, the walls being painted a dark green colour and some being just straight up planks of oakwood. Golden framed pictures on the wall. It's exactly that comfy cottage vibe you're thinking of right now. "So Noah....we are sharing a room which i hope you don't mind. We are just still getting your room together so for the first few nights you're with me" he says as he continues walking. We walk up the grand stairs they have and continue walking down the hall till we finally get to a room.

The room was huge and had two single beds on each side of the room. One looked like it was there for time while the other looked like they just moved it in. Guess thats my bed. The walls are a deep dusty kind of blue with electric guitars on the wall. Desks, quirky posters and warm white fairy lights covering the ceiling making the room very comfortable and ambient. He places my luggage near my bed and walks towards his desk.

"Rules.....No unfolded clothes anywhere, no snoring, no being a mess or a bum and definitely no jerking off, I don't wanna step on jizz...." He says looking at me as i try to find words once again....he makes me nervous i don't know what it is but something about him is just making me feel that way. "Im fucking with you" he says as he looks down and starts to laugh calmly "you can sleep naked for all i care" he leans on his desk as he grabs something from his desk drawer..... "smoke ?" He adds on as he takes out the biggest weed joint I've ever seen sparking it up..

"What about the......smell ?" I say standing in the same spot i was in when i walked into the room. He walks towards me with the lit up joint in my face inhaling it as he grabs my face, placing one hand on each cheek as his soft looking lips move closer towards me. My heart beating so fast as i feel more nervous. His soft hands, his natural scent and his entire aura has me hooked. "Live a little" he says exhaling the smoke right on my face.

Trying my best to not seem nervous i take the joint from his mouth and inhale, maintaining eye contact as i exhale back at his face. He smirks. His piercing eyes staring right into mine.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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