P A R T : T W E N T Y

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Beth's POV:

As Beth cut the call and let her phone drop onto the table, she rubbed her face and let her hands fall onto her lap. Glancing up at Katie she waited for a moment to gather her thoughts.

"Beth. You need to tell me what's happening, why the hell were you doing at a police station?" Katie asked with visible concern splattered across her face.

"Katie, I trust you not to tell anyone about this okay? Not even- Not even Viv alright?" Beth asked staring Katie down, wanting to make sure Katie understood the depth of what Beth was asking of her.

"Okay?" Katie responded hesitantly.

"I need-" Beth felt her composure disappear, letting her head fall and the stress piling onto her shoulders. "I need you to take out five thousand pounds for me Katie." Beth asked her voice cracking.

"Beth. For what?" Katie hissed out, the concern all too clear.

"Please Katie, I just can't explain it to you right now. Please-"

"Listen I'll help you, but you need to give me some sort of idea. I'm worried about you Meado, you turst me remember?" Katie stressed out, reaching from across the table to grab Beth's shaky hand. Beth glanced around her empty home, the paranoia growing as she made sure all the windows were covered with the curtains.

"Viv's kid was hurt really bad, and her- her step mother's been blackmailing me again...she wants five thousand pounds, but she didn't exactly explain what it was for." Beth breathed out, feeling the relief as the hidden truths flew off her shoulders.

"Woah woah- wait what, Vivianne has a kid? Since when? How old."

"She's thirteen, since thirteen years ago, and since she gave birth." Beth sighed out with a side of attitude that made Katie all but laugh at her.

"Alright moody, I need to ring the bank then. Why can't you go?" She asked with a frown.

"I was already caught on news cameras, they are going to be keeping an eye on me. AND, Viv can't know. So no paparazzi." Beth croaked out.

"Makes sense, give me some time then okay? I'll try." Katie responded.

Beth stood up and fell face first onto the sofa. Her eyes landing on a picture of her and Viv. Beth missed Viv more than ever, they were always there for eachother yet she had to go throught his alone. She wanted to be there for Viv in the hospital, but at least Leah was there in her place.

"Beth, we can go down and try grab it- wait no, I mean I'll go grab it, I'll bring it back here okay? Will you be okay alone?"

"y-yeah I need a nap anyways, I'll be fine" Beth responded turning over on the sofa and hugging one of the pillows.

"Alright I'll be back soon." Katie shouted out grabbing her keys and leaving.

Beth stared up at the ceiling pulling one arm behind her head, feeling as if the world was getting heavier on her shoulders. It was when she began to doze off she heard the doorbell ring. Had Katie forgotten something? Grumbling Beth stood up rubbing the sleep from her eyes as she pulled open the door, jumping at the sight of Dianna.

As Dianna stormed into the house and slammed the door behind Beth, all she could do was stare, what was Dianna going to do? Was this it? Was this where Beth's story finished?

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