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Smriti's outfit

In the dimly lit warehouse, Smriti stood facing Mahir, the man responsible for the attack on her and her girlfriend, Pez

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In the dimly lit warehouse, Smriti stood facing Mahir, the man responsible for the attack on her and her girlfriend, Pez. Her eyes blazed with a mixture of fury and determination as she paced back and forth, contemplating her next move.

"You thought you could get away with attacking us?" Smriti's voice was cold, devoid of any emotion.

Mahir, bound to a chair, winced as pain shot through his mutilated fingers. He glared back defiantly, his resolve unbroken despite the agony he was enduring. "I won't tell you anything," he spat out, his voice strained.

Virat's outfit

Smriti's brother, Virat, stood beside her, his expression grave

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Smriti's brother, Virat, stood beside her, his expression grave. "You're making a big mistake, Mahir. My sister doesn't take kindly to betrayal."

Mahir chuckled, a hollow sound filled with bitterness. "You think you can scare me? I know who you are, Smriti, but the world doesn't. Your uncle will make sure of that."

Smriti's jaw clenched at the mention of her uncle. She knew he was behind the attack, driven by his greed for power and control over the family business. She signalled her men to show him what he got himself into.

They first plucked his nails. The screams were heard across the entire warehouse. Then they slashed his skin across entire body.

"Still not speaking huh?" He just glared at me and my men again started the torcher him by cutting his fingers. This went for hours. Finally at last this was it he broke down giving up. She again asked him.

"Tell us everything you know, Mahir. It's your only chance to make things right."

Mahir remained silent, his gaze flickering between Smriti and Virat. He knew the consequences of betraying his uncle could be dire, but he also understood that his loyalty was misplaced. With a heavy sigh, he finally relented.

"Fine," he muttered, his voice barely audible. "I'll tell you everything."

As Mahir divulged the details of her uncle's sinister plan, Smriti's heart sank.
"They want to kidnap Perry so that she could be the key factor that leads him to the position of CEO and if somehow we failed to kidnap her then we will kidnap his daughter[points towards Virat] and we all know what she means to you. Please let me go now please." He pleaded

She realized the extent of the danger they were facing, not just for themselves but for their loved ones as well and that made her to blood to boil thinking he wanted to use Pez and Vami for what a simple position. What a cheap person he is.

"We need to stop him," Virat said, his voice firm. "But we can't do it alone."

Smriti nodded in agreement. "We'll need Mahir's help."

Mahir looked up, surprise evident in his eyes. "Why would I help you?"

"Because if you don't, you'll be just as guilty as your uncle,and let me tell you your life and your families life depends on us. We could help you build it or destroy it." Smriti replied coldly, her tone unwavering. "But if you choose to cooperate, we can protect your family and ensure they're safe from any harm."

Mahir weighed his options carefully, knowing that his decision would shape the course of his future. After a moment of silence, he nodded hesitantly. "Okay, I'll do it. But you have to promise to keep my family safe."

Smriti nodded solemnly. "You have my word."

With Mahir now on their side, Smriti and Virat formulated a plan to thwart their uncle's scheme. They knew they had to act swiftly and decisively to prevent any further harm to their loved ones.

Suddenly Smriti's phone rings in disturbing the silent warehouse. She smiled looking at the caller and picked it making others curious who made their boss smile like this.

"Hlo Jaan how are you?" She asked softly making others wonder when did their cold boss changed to this version.

"Don't worry everyone is fine and yes take care ok love you Jaan and I miss you. See you soon. Bye" saying this she cut the call and turned to see that everyone was eavesdropping her conversation.

"What get back to work and i don't like to repeat myself" she replied in cold tone and everybody scattered doing there designated work.

"You have to make them shit their pants huh" Virat asked amusingly as he draped his arm over her shoulder .

"You have to make them shit their pants huh" Virat asked amusingly as he draped his arm over her shoulder

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"You know na how things work in our world. If they aren't scared of you then you can't survive here" he nodded to it.

As days passed, Mahir proved to be a valuable asset, providing them with crucial information about their uncle's movements and intentions. With each piece of intelligence, Smriti and Virat devised counterstrategies, staying one step ahead of their adversary.

But despite their efforts, the tension remained palpable. Smriti couldn't shake the feeling of unease, knowing that their uncle was still out there, plotting his next move.

Then, one fateful night, their worst fears were realized. A group of masked men stormed into their home for kidnapping Pez  as they were given fake intel that Pez has returned from Australia to London and intent on carrying out their uncle's sinister plan. But this time, Smriti and her allies were ready.

In a fierce confrontation, they fought tooth and nail, refusing to back down in the face of adversity. And when the dust finally settled, it was Smriti who emerged victorious, her unwavering determination prevailing against all odds.

As the sun rose on a new day, Smriti knew that their struggle was far from over. But with Mahir by their side and their family safe from harm, she was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Together, they would rebuild their lives and reclaim what was rightfully theirs, proving that nothing could break the bonds of family and the strength of the human spirit.

And here our sweet Perry is unaware about what is happening behind her back in London.

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