Chapter 9 | Spider-Ling?

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"What so we just go in and wait for him?" you asked your Dad, who was sitting next to you in the backseat. Happy was, of course, driving.

"Yup. Then I'm gonna tell him about the 'Stark Internship', which of course is a load of horse shit but it gives us a reason to be there. Then we just say 'hi! Wanna join the Avengers and fight Captain America and his gang of hooligans with us?' to which he says yes because who wouldn't wanna join us - we're awesome. Then we take him to Germany where we've flagged Steve. Capeesh?" Tony said. 

"Mmhm, sounds fool-proof." you said, sarcastically.

Happy pulled up outside.

"Let's do this, kiddo." Your Father said to you, as he opened his side door.

You sighed and opened yours as your Dad buzzed the apartment building.


You heard a key rattling in the door and you looked over to your Dad. He gave you a small nod and continued talking to Aunt May.

"Hey, May." Peter said as he walked through the door.

"Hey," she said, smiling at you both. She didn't know you and Peter were friends but she obviously knew who you both were, like, come on, you're Starks; it'd be concerning if someone didn't recognise you.

Peter walked through the house to the kitchen.

Aunt May spoke again: "How was school today?"

"Okay... there's this crazy car parked outside..." he trailed off when he saw you and Tony in the room.

"Hello, Mr. Parker." your Father said.

"Hey, Pete!" you waved. You knew him from school. Even though you could obviously afford to go to private school, you insisted that you go to public school; you wanted to have as much of the same experience as other kids did that you could.

"Um..." Peter said.

May still didn't know you and him were friends but you liked to keep it that way, that's why you asked him not to tell her. You prefer to keep as much of a low-profile as you can.

Peter took off his earbuds as he started speaking again, he also stepped closer, "what... what are you doing here? Hey... uh, um, I'm I'm I'm I'm, Peter."

"Tony." your Dad said, nonchalantly.

God, he's annoying when he acts entitled, you thought, fighting back the urge to roll your eyes.

"What are you? What are you? What are you doing here, guys?" Pete asked, clearly freaking out that one: two millionaires were sitting in his apartment casually chatting with his Aunt and two: May would now know that he was friends with Tony Stark's daughter.

"S'bout time we met." Tony said, "you been getting my emails right?"

He was doing the shittiest winks in the universe and if it wasn't for May being absolutely star-struck right now, she'd for sure see them.

Peter looked over at you, concerned and you gave him a goofy grin and a nod so he just went along with it.

"Yea, yea, uh, regarding the?" Peter said, trying his best to go along with it.

"You didn't tell me about the grant?" May asked. You stifled a laugh; this was painful to watch.

"About the grant..." Pete said, motioning toward her.

Are we too young for this? | A Y/N Stark x Bucky Barnes FanFicDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora