ღ Chapter 13 ღ

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Alyssa ran into the water, Pope chasing behind her as she let out a loud shriek, glancing in Rafe's direction to see if he noticed. She saw him looking over at her, his jaw tight as the girl tries to wrap her arms around his neck, and he pushes her away. Alyssa looked away with a small smirk, and wrapped her arms around Pope's neck, jumping on him. 

"Put your hands on my ass" she whispered into his ear.

"What? Alyssa-" Pope said before she cut him off.

"Just do it, im giving you permission to." She said, looking at him as Pope lowered his hands, planting them on her ass.

Alyssa smiled and looked at Rafe out of the corner of her eye, looking at Pope's hands on her. He rubbed his jaw before turning and walking out of the water away from his friends. Alyssa smiled and looked back at Pope.

"Hes so jealous" She laughed, jumping off of Pope.

"I told you it would work" He smiled.

"I really dont know what I would do without you Pope" Alyssa said, holding his hand and walking out of the water. 

He smiled. "Anything for you Lys" he said messing up her hair as she pushed him away laughing.

Alyssa looked up towards the parking lot, and saw Rafe getting on his bike, quickly pulling out of the parking lot. She smiled to herself. She had offically made Rafe Cameron jealous. 


Alyssa finally arrived home around 4 am. The sun was going to start rising around 5:30, so she decided to just pull an all-nighter. She saw her parents car in the driveway, so she knew they were home and asleep, but she didnt see Noah's truck, so she assumed he was staying at Rafe or Toppers. 

She quietly made her way to her room, careful not to wake her parents. She plugged her phone into the charger, and opened her closet. It was super hot in her room, so she grabbed a sports bra and a pair of shorts and made her way to her bathroom to change. She changed, took her makeup off, and brushed her teeth before making her way back to her room. She threw her swimsuit and dress into the hamper, and saw a faint shadow outside her balcony door. She froze in place, followed by a knock. Who would be here at 4 in the morning?  She slowly walked over to the door and opened it a crack, and saw Rafe standing there. 

She was really surprised to see him here, she didnt even know what to say. 

"Wh- what are you doing here?" She said, holding onto the doorknob. 

"That was some nice shit you pulled at the beach earlier." He said with a stern look on his face. His jaw was clenched, and so were his arms, which were crossed. He looked her up and down as she remembered she was in nothing but a bra and shorts.

"I dont know what your talking about." She said with a scoff, trying to hide behind the door.

"Dont play dumb with me, yes you do." He said and let out a small sigh. "Can we talk?" 

"Whats there to talk about? You didnt want anything, remember? Now all of the sudden your mad I was with Pope? Make up your goddamn mind Rafe." 

"Are you done?" he said, uncrossing his arms. 

"Yes. Goodnight." She said trying to close her door, but Rafe put his hand on it, pushing it back open. 

"Please" he said lowering his hand from the door. She sighed.

"Fine, but be quiet." She said moving out of the way so he can come in. 

He walked in and looked around her room. She quickly looked around to make sure there wasnt anything lying around, and she saw a bra, which she quickly kicked under her bed. 

"So uh. What do you wanna talk about?" She said, crossing her arms.

"Us." He said, turning and looking at her. 

"Theres no 'us' Rafe. You pushed me away for no reason, and hung out with other girls like I was nothing to you. And also, I saw your name in Sophias phone." 

There was a quick flash of panic in his eyes before they were back to normal. 

"Me and her arent anything, I just had to talk to her for something with my dad. And also, im pretty sure her and Topper are hooking up." He said fidgeting with his fingers. 

Alyssa scoffed and rolled her eyes. Of course Topper was hooking up with her. Sarah never meant anything to him. 

"Okay wel-" Alyssa started before the sound of her dads alarm clock went off. "Shit, you have to go before he finds out" she said going towards the balcony door, Rafe quickly following. She heard her dads footsteps down the hall as she looked up at Rafe.

"Call me, okay?" She said with a small smile on her face.

He nodded and smiled, before quickly running down the stairs and getting onto his bike. She watched him ride out into the early morning. 


A/N: sjdhfkjdshfkjdsf I actually hate this chapter sm, but I had to post something. I said last week this chapter would be done and posted but never got around to it cause of school ending and stuff. But now that its summer im gonna try and write more!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08 ⏰

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