Mia Venti

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This OC Belongs To DragonTamer38

Name: Mia Venti
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 34

Aura Color: Sky Blue
Eye Color: Aqua
Hair Color: Blue

Relatives: Max Venti (Husband) deceased
Rex Venti (Son) alive
Rin Venti (Daughter) alive
Zach Venti (Brother) alive

Friends: Team STRQ, Ozpin, Glynda Goodwitch, Dr. Pietro Polendina, & Maria Calavera.



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Aegis: A dual-wielded sword that controls fire and light

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Aegis: A dual-wielded sword that controls fire and light. High attack power and critical rate, and low guard rate, physical resistance, and ether resistance. Speaking of general-purpose Weapon, Sword of the same type as Lance.

Semblance: Nullify

Likes: Her kids, Vale, Beacon, Pietro Polendina, Faunuses, & singing.

Dislikes: Trusting people, Grimm, James Ironwood, Cinder Fall & her goons, and Salem.

Voice Actress:

Demi Lovato (Vol 2-3)

Jennifer Lopez (Vol 4-5)

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Jennifer Lopez (Vol 4-5)

Allegra Clark (Vol 6-7-8)

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Allegra Clark (Vol 6-7-8)

Allegra Clark (Vol 6-7-8)

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