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AFTER WONYOUNG STORMED OFF, I SQUEEZED IN ONE RUN DOWN THE advanced ski slope before I met up with Jimin and Minjeong for lunch.

I assumed Wonyoung had returned to the lodge after our failed ski lesson, but the fourth spot at the table was conspicuously empty.

I eyed it, distractedly answering Ava's questions about how my morning went, before I asked,

"Where's the brunette menace? Off sticking pins in a voodoo doll somewhere?"

Considering the way she'd stomped off, I wouldn't be surprised if the voodoo doll was of me.

I didn't know what possessed me to offer her ski lessons in the first place. I blamed it on the mountain air and the champagne I'd imbibed on the flight, but spending a morning with Wonyoung hadn't been as terrible as I'd expected. Plus, it'd been worth it for her reaction alone when I asked how badly she wanted to fuck me.

My mouth tugged up at the memory of Wonyoung's crimson cheeks. She could deny it all she wanted, but she'd thought about it. I'd seen it in her eyes, felt in the shallow rise and fall of her chest against mine.

She hadn't been the only one thinking impure thoughts.

Our fall had been an accident, but the way her curves molded to my body had been a revelation. We'd both been bundled up in winter clothing, but in my mind, we might as well have been naked. I could picture it so vividly—her silky
skin, her lush curves, her aggravating snark melting into a moan as I fucked her senseless...


I snapped open my napkin and placed it over my lap. My cock strained against my zipper, and I prayed neither Jimin nor Minjeong noticed my uneven breaths as I reached for my glass again.

I didn't know what was in the air that made me fantasize about Wonyoung so much today, but it was fucking with my head. I'd been this close to doing something crazy earlier, like—

"She texted and said she's not feeling well." Minjeong sipped her water, her expression cagey. "She's resting at the cabin."

My arousal cooled at the new information. "She was fine an hour ago."

Jimin arched an eyebrow. "How do you know?"

Shit. "I, uh, ran into her on the slopes."

"Wonyoung said she didn't go skiing." Suspicion flared in Minjeong's eyes. "She stayed at the lodge after she picked up her phone from the cabin."

Double shit. "Maybe she went to the ski run first, then changed her mind." I lifted my shoulders in what I hoped was a casual shrug. "Who knows? Her mind works in strange ways."

A tiny smirk touched Jimin's mouth.

Luckily, the waiter arrived and saved me from further interrogation. After we placed our orders, I shifted the conversation to Minjeong's latest assignment at World Geographic magazine, where she worked as a junior photographer.
Nothing animated her more than talking about photography.

I half-listened as my sister rambled on about her project documenting the city's street art scene. I loved her, but I gave zero shits about photography.

My eyes strayed again to Wonyoung's empty seat. Knowing her, she had a minor headache and was claiming near-death symptoms.



She's fine. I cut into my chicken with unnecessary force. Whether Wonyoung was being her usual dramatic self by forgoing lunch or actually dying, I didn't care. It had absolutely nothing to do with me.

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