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Becky is shocked to hear this from Freen but still..

B: It's ok, Freen. you marry Lin and I'l stay here with you. You don't have to break up with her for me. You don't have to do anything. I'm just a cat, Freen. Who am I to you? Why are you breaking up with your love for me? 

F: B.. Becky...No, why are you speaking like this? You are not just a cat , your everything to me. I can't think of my life without you.

"No, Freen. I'm no one to you I'm.... Just a cat who came into your life randomly." Becky replied, holding back her tears.

"l don't know about how you entered into my life but now, I can't let you go. Even if you wanted to...nothing can separate us. I can go to any extent to keep u close with me so, don't leave me. I warn you." Freen said and hugs Becky. 

B: What if I love someone?

Freen's eyes darkened with anger. She coldly says "No, you are not allowed to, u be with me, I be with you. We don't need anyone else and I.."


"I love you, Becky." Freen finally confessed her love towards Becky and smashes her lips on hers. 

As Freen kisses Becky, she gets their past lives flashback in a blurry vision.  (Freen as Sam and Becky as Mon)

Mon saved Sam who was injured and unconscious when she landed on the universe by the river side and when Freen got her consciousness back, she saw herself laying on a mattress and a dim light was coming through a fire lamp…

"Ooo, Are you already awake? That's good. How are you feeling now?" Mon says coming inside the cottage with food and water for Sam. Whereas Sam is lost in admiring Mon's glowing face under a dim light in the darkest place.

Mon cleared her throat to bring Sam back to reality and the both were blushing. 

S: Is this your place?

M: Y...yes.

S: how did I end up here?

M: I found you on the river side, unconscious and injured so I treated your wounds and took you here coz I don't know where you live , I.. I'm sorry.

S: It's ok but I...I didn't see any wounds.

M: ahhh ..i..it's not that big, it's just tiny and easily curable in a short time.

S: Thank you.

M: Mmm, so…you didn't tell me how are you?

S: I'm fine then...I'm Sam, you?

M: Mon and are you  feeling any pain or some…

S: No, not at all. I'm totally alright and feel energetic.

M: Good to know. Have it. 

Mon gives Sam her dinner and water to drink. 

S: For me?

M: Yes. 

S: Thank you, what about you?

M: I already had mine.

S: Okay 

M: Are you new here because I didn't see you here anywhere before. 

S: W...what *coughs* 

M: Hey i...I'm sorry.

Mon helps Sam drink water and rubbed her back 

S: It's ok and yeah I'm new here, coming from the next town.

M: Why?

S: To see my sister who came here to work in the palace.

M: What's her name ?

S: H...hi..her name is Nam. 

M: So, are you going to leave here soon? 

S: Yes

M: No, plz. *Saddened*

S: Ah ..why?

M: It..it's ok, when you leave, I'll also come with you to your place. Don't say no. It's final.

S: Okay *smiles*

M: Really?! Thank you. 

Mon gets excited, she hugs and kisses Sam on her cheek.  Sam was stunned by 
the sudden action of Mon, they both blushed hard. 

M: I...am.. Sorry ... Pls forgive me…Whenever I get excited I do stupid things. Pls forgive me.... 

Sam got a little angry hearing the reason she gave.

~ End of flashback ~

As the memories faded, Freen muttered "Mon"

"W..what did u say" Becky pulls back from the kiss and asks Freen in a hue of hope but Freen didn't say anything and caught her lips again...it went rough until Becky's lips got swollen and bled.

Becky moaned in pain and pleasure. Freen then takes her to the room. They make love. 

My girlfriend is a cat {Completed}✓Where stories live. Discover now