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The air was thick with the scent of pine and damp earth, a stark contrast to the acrid smell of smoke that clung to Sakura's clothes

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The air was thick with the scent of pine and damp earth, a stark contrast to the acrid smell of smoke that clung to Sakura's clothes. His gaze flicked back to the inferno consuming the apartment building. The flames danced like a macabre ballet, consuming everything in their path. The image was burned into his mind, the horrifying realization that they had just barely escaped a fiery demise. You were still in shock.

He'd seen the terror in your eyes when they looked back at the burning building. The way your body froze, the way your voice failed you. It had taken all his composure to snap you out of your daze, pulling her through the forest, away from the roaring inferno.

Now, you were seated by the quiet, reflective surface of a city lake, the air filled with the sounds of distant traffic and the rustling of leaves. You were still trembling, your eyes wide and unfocused. The heavy, labored breaths you took betrayed the terror that consumed you.

"Someone was watching us...someone was watching me...someone was watching me..." You repeated the words like a mantra, your voice a monotone whisper.

Sakura gently nudged your hand, his heart aching at the sight of your distress. "Y/n, look at me." He repeated it, his voice firm but gentle.

Your gaze met his, the vacant terror finally replaced by a flicker of recognition. He felt a wave of relief wash over him. "Let me see what you found" he said, his voice quiet.

You pulled the envelope from your bag, your hands shaking. You handed it to him, your eyes locked on his, searching for answers, for comfort.

Sakura opened the envelope, his breath catching in his throat as he examined the photos. They were close-ups, detailed shots of your every move – your routine, your habits, your vulnerabilities. Some even captured you in various public spaces, your movements documented like a meticulous study. Sakura found himself staring at the photos.

A shiver ran down his spine as he realized the sinister implication. Someone had been watching you for a long time, meticulously documenting every detail of your life. "Crap" he whispered, his voice barely a breath. A dread settled in his stomach, a chilling realization that you were not as safe, and he and the others were probably not safe either.

He looked back at you, the fear in your eyes mirrored his own. He had to find out who was behind this, who was watching you. He squeezed your shoulder, trying to convey his determination.

"Y/n, we're going to figure this out. We're going to find out who's behind this" he said, his voice steady, his gaze unwavering. He didn't know how, he didn't know where to begin, but he knew one thing for sure: he wouldn't let whoever was watching her and the rest get away with it.

Their escape from the building had been a harrowing experience, but it was just the beginning.

Sakura and you sat by the tranquil lake, its surface shimmering under the moon's gentle glow. The air was thick with unspoken emotions, and Sakura knew he needed to be there for you. Your vulnerability tugged at his heart, a sensation he couldn't quite comprehend.

"Y/n," Sakura's voice was soft, "we need to tell Umemiya." He glanced at you, noticing the tremor in your lips. You sat huddled, your legs drawn close to your body, lost in contemplation as you stared out across the water.

"I will...tomorrow," You mumbled, your gaze still fixed on the ripples dancing on the lake's surface.

Sakura shifted closer, wrapping his arms around you. Your eyes widened as you felt the warmth seeping from his body. "I'm not the best at comforting people," he confessed, "but I've heard that hugs can help. Please, let this offer bring you some solace."

His vulnerability surprised you. Sakura, revealed a side he hadn't intended to ever show. "I have vulnerabilities too," he continued.

"My entire life, I've been shunned and pushed away. And yet, when I see you, I realize how similar we are. We both hide our emotions, but we're wrong. I'm wrong."

He hesitated, searching for the right words. "I believe Izana wouldn't have wanted you to remain alone forever. I may not know your entire history, but I do know that you're not alone anymore. Neither am I." He smiled, a genuine expression that reached his eyes.

"So, we could...if you want, be each others support pillars...I'm not forcing you or anything..." He mumbled nervously. You stayed silent for a moment. "I would like that very much, Sakura." Your voice was almost a whisper, Sakura smiled at you


"Hey, uhm... I'm really sorry for calling you a hybrid before..." You mumbled, embarrassment coloring your cheeks.

Sakura chuckled. "I'm over it. It's fine," he assured her. "Now, about safety..." His gaze flickered toward the surrounding trees. "Do you want to come back to my place? I can't guarantee it's entirely safe, but—"
You interrupted him. "Have you felt anyone following you or sensed being watched?"


Sakura shook his head. "I feel bad admitting it, but I haven't experienced anything unusual." The moon hung low, casting silver threads across the water.



You followed Sakura into his apartment, your senses absorbing every detail—the minimalist decor, the faint scent of pine, and the warmth that seemed to emanate from the very walls. It felt like stepping into a parallel universe, one where safety was more than an illusion.

The small living room welcomed them, its furniture worn but inviting. "It's so much like my own place," You murmured, surprised by the familiarity.

Sakura reappeared, holding out a water bottle. "You looked like you needed this," he said, you accepted it gratefully, gulping down the cool liquid. The tension in your shoulders eased, and you met Sakura's gaze. His eyes held a quiet understanding.

"Did you manage to bring any clothes?" Sakura asked. "If not, I can lend you some."

You shook your head. "I only grabbed a few essentials. But I'll be fine, thank you." Your smile wavered, but Sakura nodded, respecting your choice.

"Go freshen up," he said, leading her to the bathroom. You undressed, the warm water soothing your skin. You leaned back in the bathtub, closing your eyes. The events of the day swirled in your mind, you looked at your hand and noticed how it was still shaking, you dropped it back into the water and let out a sigh.

Thirty minutes later, you emerged, wrapped in a towel. You dressed in leggings and a baggy top, feeling oddly at home. Sakura awaited you in the living room, concern etching his features. "Do you feel better?" he asked as you settled beside him on the couch.

"It was so warm," You admitted, "that I almost fell asleep in there." You chuckled softly, the sound foreign yet comforting.

Sakura's smile matched yours. "Let's have dinner," he suggested. "You must be hungry." You both shared a meal in companionable silence, the clink of cutlery punctuating their thoughts.

You insisted on washing the dishes afterward. "It's the least I can do," you said, scrubbing a plate. Sakura watched you, his gaze lingering. "You're not alone," he murmured. "Remember that."

When the night approached, Sakura gestured toward his room. "You can sleep there. I'll manage with the couch."

"No," You protested. "I can stay here."

He sighed, gently pushing you toward the bedroom. "No arguments," he said. "You need comfort. If you need anything, just let me know. Good night, Y/n."
"Good night, Sakura," You whispered, your voice soft as a lullaby.

You settled into his bed, the sheets cool against your skin. The room smelled of him—pine and warmth—a scent that wrapped around you like a protective cloak. You were fast asleep in minutes...

To be continued...

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