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After the end of long, tiring college semesters, they decided to go on a vacation. Hyunjin, a man with divine musculature, was also included in their group. They were planning an ocean trip in the Pacific, the largest and most mysterious ocean. Everything was set up, and the day finally arrived. They all boarded the cruise, ready to enjoy their much-needed break.

Hyunjin, a 23-year-old with an intro-extroverted personality, had many friends in college who were tagging along on this journey.

"I'm excited, lino hyung",said Han, Hyunjin's friend and Minho's boyfriend.

"Yeah, I know, right," Minho replied.

On the cruise, they marveled at the ocean view. Despite the noise, the ocean felt peaceful. The huge, divine tides hypnotized everyone present.

"Chanie, isn't the Pacific Ocean the largest of all?" Seungmin asked his boyfriend, Bang Chan.

"Yes, Minnie, the Pacific Ocean is the largest and most mysterious ocean on Earth," Bang chan replied, pausing before continuing, "It's mysterious because there are no exact continents here, and large islands are rare. They say many mysterious ocean creatures lurk in these waters, sometimes causing ships to disappear. Folklore even suggests that mermen originate from here."

Everyone gasped, feeling a mix of fear and fascination.

"Okay, Chan hyung, that's enough. We're already scared. Come look at the dolphins out there!" I-N said excitedly.

Everyone's eyes widened in amazement as they watched a pod of dolphins jumping rhythmically, perfectly synchronized like a beat of music. They all enjoyed their time together, even as the weather started to turn a little harsh. But no one cared; they were too busy enjoying their vacation with their boyfriends. Only Hyunjin remained single, as solitary as lone stars.

Suddenly, a slow, divine melody echoed across the ocean. All the aquatic animals seemed to retreat, as if frightened. The hauntingly beautiful song floated through the air, daringly trying to hypnotize everyone, lingering in their ears like a thin thread of melody. Everyone seemed to lose control.

"Close your ears!" Bang chan shouted urgently.

Everyone obeyed, but Hyunjin's eyes were fixed somewhere, mesmerized by what he saw. The others followed his gaze, their eyes widening in shock.

Out of the mist that had begun to gather over the water, a figure emerged. It was a man, standing effortlessly on the surface of the ocean. His presence was mesmerizing—dark, wavy hair fell around his chiseled features, and his eyes, an impossible shade of deep blue, seemed to glow with an otherworldly light. His bare chest glistened with droplets of seawater, accentuating the sculpted muscles beneath his flawless skin. Probably a tail carved of gold and scales of pearls.

"It's probably a merman, hyung," Hyunjin said, completely out of his senses.

As the divine creature continued to sing, Hyunjin's eyes flickered with a dazed light. "I'll go check on him," he said.

"Hyunjin, no—" Bang chan started, but before he could finish, Hyunjin had already dived into the ocean.

The group watched in horror and amazement as Hyunjin swam towards the mysterious figure, who continued to sing, his song weaving a spell deeper into Hyunjin's mind and heart.

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